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Re: ^This.
Date: 3/15/15 2:08 pm
In Response To: Re: ^This. (General Vagueness)

: Honestly, I don't care for the redesigned armor either, but if they can do
: better than a keg on their back and a tube blocking one eye I'd be open to
: it.

I don't like the armor designs, either, but at least Grunts getting new armor makes some sense. I mean, the Covies we see in Halo 4 are part of a new faction, so it makes sense that their "uniforms" are different. It's the radical changes in their physiology that doesn't make a lick of sense.

: (What ever happened to the curl-back design?)

That's a very good question.

Messages In This Thread

So that Grunt adGeneral Vagueness3/14/15 9:10 pm
     Re: English-speaking CoviesHyokin3/14/15 9:41 pm
     Missed opportunity for a "No see me now!!!" *NM*Pkmnrulz2403/14/15 10:34 pm
     Re: So that Grunt adGrimBrother One3/15/15 3:59 am
           Re: So that Grunt adgamerguy20023/15/15 4:36 am
           Re: So that Grunt aduberfoop3/15/15 4:45 am
           Re: So that Grunt adGeneral Vagueness3/15/15 12:16 pm
           Re: So that Grunt adGravemind3/15/15 12:18 pm
                 Re: So that Grunt adGrizzlei3/15/15 1:07 pm
                       Re: So that Grunt adGravemind3/15/15 2:05 pm
           I wish I could believe that.Quirel3/16/15 2:17 am
                 Re: I wish I could believe that.General Vagueness3/16/15 5:22 pm
     Joe's voice YAY! h4 Grunt booscarab3/15/15 6:08 am
           ^This.Gravemind3/15/15 12:21 pm
                 Re: ^This.General Vagueness3/15/15 1:07 pm
                       Re: ^This.Gravemind3/15/15 2:08 pm
           If District 9 can do it with Prawns...scarab3/18/15 3:06 am
                 lol...uberfoop3/18/15 2:32 pm
     Re: So that Grunt adRockslider3/16/15 6:58 pm
           Re: So that Grunt adCaptain Spark3/17/15 9:33 am
                 Re: So that Grunt adRockslider3/17/15 1:57 pm
                       Re: So that Grunt adCaptain Spark3/17/15 10:03 pm
                 Re: So that Grunt adRevenant19883/17/15 3:53 pm
                       Re: So that Grunt adpadraig083/17/15 5:06 pm
                             Re: So that Grunt adRevenant19883/18/15 10:53 am
                                   Re: She's a better villain than the Didact... *NM*Hyokin3/18/15 1:35 pm
                                   Re: So that Grunt adgamerguy20023/19/15 1:31 am
                       Re: So that Grunt adGeneral Vagueness3/17/15 9:51 pm
                             Re: So that Grunt adRevenant19883/18/15 10:47 am

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