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Re: ODST Remastered...
Date: 1/27/15 1:59 pm
In Response To: Re: ODST Remastered... (munky-058)

: Well, that was what they promised when they first announced this game, but
: thanks for clearing that up, Paddy.

Don't shoot the messenger.

: Yeah, that's what I was wondering. It makes little sense that they can't
: include its theater mode independent of the stupid DVR setup. It kills a
: lot of the point of the saved films if you can't rewind or save them
: permanently. Like a bit of footage that happened at the end of an
: hour-long session? Better be ready to fast-forward for 20 minutes
: immediately after the game, because you aren't gonna be able to see it
: again otherwise. What's that? You accidentally missed that moment? Welp,
: gotta start over from the beginning of the clip again...

I think the DVR solution is more remedy than on purpose. They don't have a way to host fileshares yet, so I think the saving of clips is more dependent on that. Still, there's no way to share maps or gametypes efficiently.

: Dangit. So there were hooks, and 343 had planned this all along. Jerks.

: Yeah, they really need to scrap that DVR garbage and give us back saved film
: files. What's the point of having a fileshare and video option if they're
: not in the dang disk? That's borderline false advertising...

DVR is core to the Xbone, so again I think they lucked out that a halfway solution could be found instead of none at all.

: I hope they address this in some way... But probably not, since HaBro 5 is
: the big focus, and the ODST team is reportedly just working on porting the
: campaign (splinter team dedicated to fixing the Emblems on MCC aside).

They haven't abandoned MCC yet, which I didn't predict either. Who knows what will all get fixed in the end.

Messages In This Thread

ODST Remastered...munky-0581/27/15 8:50 am
     Re: ODST Remastered...padraig081/27/15 10:33 am
           Re: ODST Remastered...Cody Miller1/27/15 11:17 am
                 Re: ODST Remastered...padraig081/27/15 2:01 pm
                       Re: ODST Remastered...Cody Miller1/27/15 8:00 pm
           Re: ODST Remastered...munky-0581/27/15 12:02 pm
                 Re: ODST Remastered...padraig081/27/15 1:59 pm
                       Re: ODST Remastered...AfroRyan1/28/15 1:02 am
                             Re: ODST Remastered...padraig081/28/15 9:43 am
     Re: ODST Remastered...gamerguy20021/27/15 10:44 am
           I don't think you understood the questions...munky-0581/27/15 11:52 am
     Re: ODST Remastered...MacGyver101/27/15 4:59 pm
           Re: ODST Remastered...Kermit1/28/15 3:00 pm

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