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Re: OK, let's clarify the definition of photoreali
Date: 1/20/15 6:36 am

: If more complex graphics are often not worth it then the assumed solution
: would be to scale the graphics back or remove them in favor of more time
: spent on gameplay or story or whatever.

Nope. If complex graphics are often not worth it, then the assumed solution is to evaluate their worth and determine when they add the most to the game. Just throwing in the towel and going back to Half-Life era graphics would be even more stupid than sacrificing gameplay to allocate more resources to the graphics department.

: I don't know. Alan Wake had a lot of realistic themes and characters. Might
: it have worked with the cartoony Blizzard graphics? Possibly. Would that
: have been the best fit? Better than what it had? In my opinion: No.
: Absolutely not.

I'm mostly thinking StarCraft here, but I can't see Blizzard's graphics as cartoony. The proportions are deliberately wonky, but there's still an element of realism. Definitely more realistic than, say, Team Fortress 2.

: I wonder if it would have been better served with stylized static
: conversations vs animated 3D models. Something like full screen comic
: panes representing the two sides of a conversation that swapped in and out
: as the dialogue moved forward. Then, make the rest of the game's graphics
: stylized to match that... or something.

I'm in the same boat as you. I'm not sure if that would have been better, worse, or even cheaper to do.

But if it would result in more face-to-face conversations and less shots of people staring off into space so they don't have to look Commander Shepard in the eye, I'm all for it.

Messages In This Thread

343 Industries needs to watch this videoSEspider1/13/15 1:32 am
     Re: 343 Industries needs to watch this videoGrizzlei1/13/15 3:20 am
           Re: 343 Industries needs to watch this video.gamerguy20021/13/15 2:41 pm
     Re: 343 Industries needs to watch this videoRagashingo1/13/15 4:33 pm
           Re: 343 Industries needs to watch this videothebruce01/13/15 5:41 pm
                 Re: 343 Industries needs to watch this videoyakaman1/14/15 3:01 pm
           Re: 343 Industries needs to watch this videoArteenEsben1/13/15 6:12 pm
           OK, let's clarify the definition of photorealism.Quirel1/16/15 5:55 am
                 Re: OK, let's clarify the definition of photorealithebruce01/16/15 10:39 am
                       Re: OK, let's clarify the definition of photorealiQuirel1/17/15 5:14 am
                             Re: OK, let's clarify the definition of photorealithebruce01/19/15 10:29 am
                                   Re: OK, let's clarify the definition of photorealithebruce01/19/15 10:39 am
                 Re: OK, let's clarify the definition of photorealiCody Miller1/16/15 9:08 pm
                       Re: OK, let's clarify the definition of photorealiQuirel1/17/15 5:39 am
                 Re: OK, let's clarify the definition of photorealiRagashingo1/17/15 10:24 pm
                       Re: OK, let's clarify the definition of photorealiQuirel1/20/15 6:36 am
     Re: 343 Industries needs to watch this videoSEspider1/16/15 5:03 pm

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