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Re: OK, let's clarify the definition of photoreali
By:Cody Miller
Date: 1/16/15 9:08 pm

: Contrast Minecraft. Minecraft is as abstract as you can get, and
: photorealistic graphics would get in the way of it. Imagine killing a
: photorealistic cow in Minecraft. Now imagine that little steak jumping out
: of the cow. The animations wouldn't work either: swinging a sword is the
: same as swinging a pickax is the same as digging with a shovel in
: Minecraft, but not in a remotely realistic world.

This is a bad example, because there exists CAD programs that aim to be as realistic looking as possible. What this does is free you up from having to use blocks. You can use curves, various 3D shapes, and any textures you want. If your goal is to build stuff, a CAD program offers you not only way more flexibility, but also much much more power. You could use blocks if you like, but why bother when you can use whatever shape you'd like?

Messages In This Thread

343 Industries needs to watch this videoSEspider1/13/15 1:32 am
     Re: 343 Industries needs to watch this videoGrizzlei1/13/15 3:20 am
           Re: 343 Industries needs to watch this video.gamerguy20021/13/15 2:41 pm
     Re: 343 Industries needs to watch this videoRagashingo1/13/15 4:33 pm
           Re: 343 Industries needs to watch this videothebruce01/13/15 5:41 pm
                 Re: 343 Industries needs to watch this videoyakaman1/14/15 3:01 pm
           Re: 343 Industries needs to watch this videoArteenEsben1/13/15 6:12 pm
           OK, let's clarify the definition of photorealism.Quirel1/16/15 5:55 am
                 Re: OK, let's clarify the definition of photorealithebruce01/16/15 10:39 am
                       Re: OK, let's clarify the definition of photorealiQuirel1/17/15 5:14 am
                             Re: OK, let's clarify the definition of photorealithebruce01/19/15 10:29 am
                                   Re: OK, let's clarify the definition of photorealithebruce01/19/15 10:39 am
                 Re: OK, let's clarify the definition of photorealiCody Miller1/16/15 9:08 pm
                       Re: OK, let's clarify the definition of photorealiQuirel1/17/15 5:39 am
                 Re: OK, let's clarify the definition of photorealiRagashingo1/17/15 10:24 pm
                       Re: OK, let's clarify the definition of photorealiQuirel1/20/15 6:36 am
     Re: 343 Industries needs to watch this videoSEspider1/16/15 5:03 pm

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