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Score: 7 Games: ?
By:Azo 'Galvat
Date: 1/17/15 5:03 pm

I have no idea how many games I've played with this (enough to get a rating in the Slayer playlist.) I like sprint, I like the thruster pack, and I overall like the mobility I have. Some of the visual aspects are improved from Halo 4, and I feel like the "smart scope) is just a fancy way of saying "We put the scope on everything no so shut up about it." I haven't played with it enough to know it makes a difference, especially with descoping back.

I do not, however, like the grenade spam. I feel like nine times out of ten, a grenade kills me and nothing else. Then the killcam shows that they shot me just as the grenade went off, so there wasn't time to react anyway. Really, though, grenade spam seems like it's a feature of competitive play, which seems to be what the beta is testing out.

I do feel like the game moves a bit TOO fast. I'm not sure how to fix that, though.

Overall, it's pretty good, and I look forward to playing it with friends when it comes out.

Messages In This Thread

Could I ask a favor (H5 beta impressions)yakaman1/17/15 10:52 am
     Score: 8, Games 60+serpx1/17/15 11:27 am
     Games 20, Score: N/Adavidfuchs1/17/15 2:41 pm
     Score: 7 Games: ?Azo 'Galvat1/17/15 5:03 pm
     Score: 7 Games: ???ArteenEsben1/18/15 12:48 am
     I think I'm just gonna wait for campaign... *NM*thebruce01/19/15 10:41 am
     Score: 8.5, Games: 256FugitiveSoldier1/19/15 10:42 am
     Score: 8, Games 20+MacGyver101/19/15 11:05 am
     Score: 3, Games ~40.Joe Duplessie (SNIPE 316)1/19/15 8:56 pm

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