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Games 20, Score: N/A
Date: 1/17/15 2:41 pm

: I have not played the beta yet, and probably will not before it's done (is it
: still going on?). I've seen people post impressions and stuff, but I'm
: wondering if those who have played could post a 0-10 score (10 being the
: best) in their titles as a response this, plus roughly the number of games
: played.

: You know, like: "Score: 7, Games 20+" or whatever.

: I've read some deep analysis from a few, but I'm interested here in how this
: forum felt about the experience as a whole.

: Thanks in advance.

I don't think I've played so many games that I can give a score, and I also don't think a score ever does justice to a game, especially a beta.

I think the movement options generally work, and while I think the scope on some weapons is plain ridiculous, I don't feel encumbered by it like I do traditional ADS. Some parts of it feel like nothing in Halo, some parts feel exactly like Halo, and in general I find it fun but I have no idea whether it will have "staying power" or not. I'm excited by the Forge stuff and looking forward to the final game.

Messages In This Thread

Could I ask a favor (H5 beta impressions)yakaman1/17/15 10:52 am
     Score: 8, Games 60+serpx1/17/15 11:27 am
     Games 20, Score: N/Adavidfuchs1/17/15 2:41 pm
     Score: 7 Games: ?Azo 'Galvat1/17/15 5:03 pm
     Score: 7 Games: ???ArteenEsben1/18/15 12:48 am
     I think I'm just gonna wait for campaign... *NM*thebruce01/19/15 10:41 am
     Score: 8.5, Games: 256FugitiveSoldier1/19/15 10:42 am
     Score: 8, Games 20+MacGyver101/19/15 11:05 am
     Score: 3, Games ~40.Joe Duplessie (SNIPE 316)1/19/15 8:56 pm

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