Having only been able to play a few matches before my 2-day LIVE pass expired, these are my feelings on the Beta. Hopefully, I can find another pass or something.
Good Things:
Moving feels great. Thruster is fun and Clamber is a nice touch!
Weapons feel realistic and sound better than the Halo 4 versions.
Gameplay is fun and fresh!
Sword is sweet!
Assault Rifle feels like a descent weapon again!
Map design is a respectable throwback with new twists.
Spartans look more traditional than H4 versions.
Flow is incredible and feels natural.
Bad Things:
BR and DMR feel over-powered.
If the other team gets any power weapons, they get all power weapons.
Lots of being spawn-killed.
AFK-players suck.
Ground Pound and "hover" are uncomfortable. Hover prevents any crouch-jumping. :\
Smart Cope is cool, but my brain cannot do it. I always shoot from the hip now...
Players blend into background too easily. Accidently crouched with my back against an enemy more than once...
Pistol feels weak. Where are all the other weapons? Plasma weapons? Only seeing AR, Pistol, BR/DMR, SMG, and Sword?
Too many grenades! Start us with one! Especially on small maps!
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