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Re: My feelings on Halo 5 so far
Date: 12/21/14 1:06 pm
In Response To: My feelings on Halo 5 so far (Chris101b)

Thanks for the post. Well-written and informative. I can't wait to try Halo 5, but I'm also hesitant to give 343 the traffic before they've finished MCC's development. It's improved in recent weeks, but it's still not where it needs to be.

: Controls:
: The controls are really strange for this game. The left bumper is now the
: default grenade throw button, right bumper is melee, left trigger is zoom,
: right thumstick is crouch but right thumbstick in the air is ground pound,
: and B is the directional dodge. I have had a hell of a time trying to
: learn these controls. I mean they work with all the mechanics I guess, but
: going from bumper jumper to this has been an interesting change. I can't
: tell you the number of times I have boosted off of an upper floor when
: trying to pick up a weapon that is near the edge.

It has always been my silent hope that 343 will implement truly customizable control mapping in Halo 5. Why not? If they're targeting the "pro" crowd, nothing seems more "pro" to me than designing your own personalized control scheme.

Messages In This Thread

My feelings on Halo 5 so farChris101b12/21/14 12:47 pm
     Re: My feelings on Halo 5 so farcar1512/21/14 1:06 pm
           Re: My feelings on Halo 5 so farChris101b12/21/14 1:37 pm
                 Re: My feelings on Halo 5 so farChris101b12/21/14 1:40 pm
                 Re: My feelings on Halo 5 so far}SoC{BrownSound12/21/14 6:01 pm
     Re: My feelings on Halo 5 so farExanubisleader12/21/14 2:26 pm
           Re: My feelings on Halo 5 so farChris101b12/21/14 3:18 pm
     Server issues. Can't playChris101b12/21/14 3:15 pm
           Re: Server issues. Can't playserpx12/22/14 12:09 pm
     I did 2-3 games. (My reply + Additional Thoughts)serpx12/22/14 10:58 am
           Re: I did 2-3 games. (My reply + Additional Thoughthebruce012/22/14 11:27 am

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