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Re: Rose-tinted glasses
Date: 12/12/14 9:54 am
In Response To: Re: Rose-tinted glasses (Joe Duplessie (SNIPE 316))

: I've noticed that people who didn't like H2 online are always terrible at
: video games, while anyone that is even decent loved it. Interesting...

I'd be interested to know how you could prove that statement.

Find someone who didn't like H2 online, and regardless of how much they play video games or enjoy them, you could still simply say "but they're terrible at video games". What's your metric?

Messages In This Thread

MCC thoughts and improvementsSchooly D12/9/14 12:05 pm
     Re: MCC thoughts and improvementsRevenant198812/9/14 12:32 pm
           Rose-tinted glassesRice12/9/14 1:41 pm
                 Re: Rose-tinted glassesJoe Duplessie (SNIPE 316)12/9/14 7:41 pm
                       Re: Rose-tinted glassesRevenant198812/9/14 8:55 pm
                             its* *NM*Avateur12/9/14 10:10 pm
                       Re: Rose-tinted glassesGeneral Vagueness12/9/14 9:45 pm
                             Re: Rose-tinted glassesHyokin12/10/14 1:22 am
                             Re: Rose-tinted glassesNikko B20112/10/14 6:16 am
                                   Re: Rose-tinted glassesGeneral Vagueness12/10/14 1:23 pm
                       Re: Rose-tinted glassesKermit12/11/14 7:23 pm
                             Re: Rose-tinted glassesJoe Duplessie (SNIPE 316)12/12/14 1:05 am
                             Re: Rose-tinted glassesuberfoop12/12/14 1:17 am
                       Re: Rose-tinted glassesthebruce012/12/14 9:54 am
           Re: MCC thoughts and improvementsJoe Duplessie (SNIPE 316)12/9/14 7:24 pm
                 CorrectAvateur12/9/14 7:41 pm

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