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Thank you based Kermit
Date: 11/21/14 11:30 pm
In Response To: I'm pretty happy (Kermit)

The MM downtime has given me a chance to play a LOT of campaign, co-op and solo, and I feel like I've gotten my money's worth just from that. The one night of customs we pulled off was a ton of fun, and knowing that customs, matchmaking, and everything else will be fixed at some point is just sweet, sweet icing on the cake. I know not everyone probably enjoys campaign as much as I do, but to those trying vainly to search for another match, or getting frustrated at parties not working, or getting ready to sell their game, etc., I would just say: there will be literally YEARS to play all the Halo matchmaking you could ever want. Use your time now to play campaign or play another game or whatever, because I guarantee you that the siren song of Halo 2 Matchmaking will call you back (once it is up and running).

Messages In This Thread

I'm pretty happyKermit11/21/14 6:02 pm
     Agreed.Postmortem11/21/14 9:35 pm
     Thank you based KermitNartFOpc11/21/14 11:30 pm
     All'a thisthebruce011/21/14 11:39 pm

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