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Re: Jeez.
Date: 11/17/14 11:27 am
In Response To: Jeez. (gamerguy2002)

: Why do people think I'm spelling it wrong?

: That is how its spelled that is how my spell check is correcting it as.

Munky appoints himself as chief of the spelling police, which is ironic given his user name and love of krispy kreme doughnuts.

It's an affliction for him, really. He must correct the spelling.... and this is just one small part of the internet....

Messages In This Thread

Halo 3 - First Person Warthog Trench Rungamerguy200211/15/14 1:50 pm
     That IS terrifying... Wish it was a feature...munky-05811/17/14 3:20 am
           Jeez.gamerguy200211/17/14 11:19 am
                 Re: Jeez.Revenant198811/17/14 11:27 am
                       Re: Jeez.padraig0811/17/14 12:23 pm
                             Re: Jeez.Kermit11/17/14 12:27 pm
                                   I can see why you lost the Civil Warpadraig0811/17/14 1:00 pm
                                         The south shall dunk again!Revenant198811/17/14 1:15 pm
                                               Re: The south shall dunk again!padraig0811/17/14 2:49 pm
                                                     Re: The south shall dunk again!Kermit11/17/14 5:03 pm
                                         Re: I can see why you lost the Civil WarRagashingo11/17/14 2:11 pm
                 Re: Jeez.Kermit11/17/14 12:25 pm
                       Re: Jeez.thebruce011/17/14 1:27 pm
                 Re: It's alright. He does that alot. *NM*Hyokin11/17/14 4:16 pm
                 I don't think it means what you think it means. *NM*Rice11/17/14 7:07 pm

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