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Re: Polygon lowers MCC score to 8 from 9.5
Date: 11/13/14 4:30 pm

: But why should it be okay to expect a laundry list of problems and bugs for
: AAA releases? That's crazy.

: This industry, man... I don't see it lasting another ten years if it stays on
: this trajectory.

There will always be bugs in any piece of software that isn't really simple.

But yes, if I were to work on a project that I'd tested on and it shipped with a similar level of bugs (both in quantity and severity) then I'd probably be getting my position reviewed at the very least.

I don't know why the industry has taken this turn but it's happening with almost every game now and it's unacceptable.

Messages In This Thread

Polygon lowers MCC score to 8 from 9.5UnrealCh13f11/13/14 2:22 pm
     Re: Polygon lowers MCC score to 8 from 9.5uberfoop11/13/14 2:43 pm
           Re: Polygon lowers MCC score to 8 from 9.5Kermit11/13/14 3:51 pm
     Lower score than Advanced Warfare from IGN...munky-05811/13/14 3:57 pm
           Re: Lower score than Advanced Warfare from IGN...Kermit11/13/14 4:06 pm
                 Whoops, I didn't see IGN in the subject line. *NM*Kermit11/13/14 4:09 pm
           Re: Lower score than Advanced Warfare from IGN...Tex11/13/14 4:06 pm
           Re: Lower score than Advanced Warfare from IGN...car1511/13/14 4:15 pm
     Re: Polygon lowers MCC score to 8 from 9.5zofinda11/13/14 4:12 pm
           Re: Polygon lowers MCC score to 8 from 9.5car1511/13/14 4:17 pm
                 Re: Polygon lowers MCC score to 8 from 9.5zofinda11/13/14 6:37 pm
           Re: Polygon lowers MCC score to 8 from 9.5Moorpheusl911/13/14 4:19 pm
                 Re: Polygon lowers MCC score to 8 from 9.5car1511/13/14 4:27 pm
                       Re: Polygon lowers MCC score to 8 from 9.5Moorpheusl911/13/14 4:30 pm
                       Re: Polygon lowers MCC score to 8 from 9.5munky-05811/13/14 4:39 pm
                             Re: Polygon lowers MCC score to 8 from 9.5UnrealCh13f11/13/14 4:57 pm
                             Re: Polygon lowers MCC score to 8 from 9.5RC Master11/13/14 5:54 pm
                                   Re: Polygon lowers MCC score to 8 from 9.5Cody Miller11/13/14 6:41 pm
     Re: Polygon lowers MCC score to 8 from 9.5p bro11/13/14 5:58 pm
           Re: Polygon lowers MCC score to 8 from 9.5Grizzlei11/13/14 6:37 pm
           Re: Polygon lowers MCC score to 8 from 9.5Quirel11/14/14 3:31 am
                 ✔ Butthurt *NM*The Loot11/14/14 4:10 am
     I'm gladCody Miller11/13/14 6:42 pm
           I wish we could have a like button *NM*Grizzlei11/13/14 6:54 pm

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