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Message to Joony Joon & All MCC Forgers
Date: 11/12/14 4:51 pm

I'll keep this short. I don't have a Xbox One nor the Master Chief Collection. I don't even have internet at home. But I'm DIEING to create something in Halo2 Anniversary's Forge.
So much so that I've gone through videos and feedback of my old maps (this includes re-watching PeteTheDuck's Last Forger Standing series) to make sure I know what not to do and how to improve on certain designs/ideas.

A big "No No" is including dark caves that lead to only one base. lol

Anywho, I've got ideas that I would love to see made. But being unable to build them myself, I'm (clearly) going to need some help. Are any of you willing to take some time to work with me on creating a map or two based on my designs? I'll work with you in any way I can. I'll create basic 3D models/layouts, sketches, explain via video, etc.

This project is not something that I want to take up all of your forging time. Just something that can be made on the side of your current Forge projects. With my lack of consistent internet access it's clearly going to take some time to get this done. And I'll be happy to give feedback on your maps. Simply stream walkthroughs of them to Twitch (or upload to a YouTube as Unlisted) and I'll give my 2 cents in return for your help.


Messages In This Thread

Message to Joony Joon & All MCC ForgersSEspider11/12/14 4:51 pm
     Re: Message to Joony Joon & All MCC Forgerspete_the_duck11/13/14 3:53 pm
           Dear Pete...SEspider11/14/14 3:49 pm

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