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Re: Halo 3 - Cut Cinematic - Ziggurat Reveal
Date: 10/29/14 11:06 pm

: I prefer the way it ends up in the final product: No dialogue, no pacing cut,
: just the shining reveal of the Ziggurat from the eyes of the Master Chief,
: when out of the blue, Flood spores fall from the sky, and you suddenly
: realize the Gravemind has followed you here in sheer desperation. I felt
: like Frodo staring up at Mount Doom in the game, coming near the end of
: the journey -- while Gollum follows in the form of a lovecraftian
: abomination. Or an annoying bastard with a blue eye.

: This cutscene cuts the pacing and take longer to show story elements that in
: the previous cutscene it does better at establishing for the mission.

I kind of agree, but it also helps to explain what Johnson was doing. As it was, I was a bit confused in the game that Cortana mentioned Johnson's warthog like we should have expected it, and why the Dawn was parked so far away.

Messages In This Thread

Halo 3 - Cut Cinematic - Ziggurat Revealgamerguy200210/28/14 11:09 pm
     Re: I really enjoyed this... *NM*Hyokin10/29/14 1:37 am
     Re: Halo 3 - Cut Cinematic - Ziggurat RevealJaydee10/29/14 3:29 pm
           Re: Halo 3 - Cut Cinematic - Ziggurat Revealdavidfuchs10/29/14 11:06 pm

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