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Slow Walk for a Cause [Extra Life 2014]
Date: 10/8/14 8:35 pm

"We shall slow walk on the beaches, we shall slow walk on the landing grounds, we shall slow walk in the fields and in the streets, we shall slow walk in the hills; we shall never surrender." -Unknown

For generations, we have slowly walked where none have slowly tread before. We have conquered adversity, traveled the globe, and made peace with pieces out of our enemies.

So now what? What's next for the slow walkers?

We are slowly moving on to helping those less fortunate slow walk as well.

The City Tower Slow Walkers have joined Extra Life 2014.

On Saturday October 25th, we will be playing Destiny/Halo for 24 hours to help our local Children's Hospitals.

The Current roster of the City Tower Slow Walkers:

Donations are highly encouraged and pretty much mandatory. C'mon man, this is for charity.

If you would to join our campaign against the [diseases afflicting] humans, you can sign up with extra life and request a join here.

Otherwise, click the extra life buttons, throw some sweet green our way, and possibly watch us conquer games of new and old. Full details will be forthcoming in the coming 2 weeks or so. Stay tuned.

Shanks for the monies, honies,


P.S. Don't forget to wear your official City Tower Slow Walker Shirt. It gives me secret powers not known to the realms of man.

P.P.S. Wanna talk it out, maybe join the walkers or buff that donation up, but lack the courage to do so. Stop by TSDIRC, and let's have a chat. You almost won't regret it.

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