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Honest Trailer (Halo Related) ::VID::
Date: 10/8/14 1:23 pm

Smosh Games did a Honest Game Trailer for Bungie's Destiny. I'm posting it here for a few reasons. The first being that Halo is mentioned a good number of times in this video. But mostly because he makes some very good points about the game in which I'm VERY WORRIED Halo5 is heading toward.

The biggest being the requirement to go online to view videos, etc that you've unlocked. Something that Halo Reach and Halo4 was doing badly. I don't have internet at home. I don't want to have to be online to play Spartan Ops (as I am forced to now). I don't want to have to be online to progress in the ranking system. What good is a LAN functionality is you still can't progress your character?!

Don't get me wrong. I have no problem with videos and other exclusive items being online. But if I have a Xbox Live Account, I'd like to be able to view it from more then just my game. Like I said, I don't have internet at home (nor friends in this town with internet). I'd like to be able to DOWNLOAD those videos and updates and play them as I wish without the need for internet access. I like Spartan Ops, but I can't even play the bloody thing without internet!!

Enough Ranting, on to the video

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