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Re: Star Wars to "redefine storytelling" *sOT*
By:Cody Miller
Date: 8/22/14 8:37 pm
In Response To: Star Wars to "redefine storytelling" *sOT* (Grizzlei)

: That longform vision alone is exciting. But what’s more, they’re going to
: weave this story through cartoons and books and comics, making every piece
: of side story count. Star Wars has too long been a central series of
: movies surrounded by absolutely disposable books, comics and games. No
: more. You won’t have to know that stuff to follow the main story, but if
: you do know that stuff you’re going to be rewarded. As a nerd I like
: knowing that stuff, and I like knowing it counts.

: I can't even imagine that Halo is even really the first big franchise to do
: such a thing.

I have a feeling that Halo, like Star Wars, is doing all of this too late. The people who care have moved on :-(

Messages In This Thread

Star Wars to "redefine storytelling" *sOT*Grizzlei8/22/14 4:22 pm
     Re: Star Wars to "redefine storytelling" *sOT*Cody Miller8/22/14 8:37 pm
           Re: Star Wars to "redefine storytelling" *sOT*Phoenix_92868/22/14 10:25 pm
                 For me: Greedo shot first == game overscarab8/23/14 4:22 am
                 Re: Star Wars to "redefine storytelling" *sOT*Cody Miller8/23/14 2:07 pm
           I care, and love Halo now and then *NM*MacGyver108/23/14 12:18 am
           Re: Star Wars to "redefine storytelling" *sOT*Quirel8/23/14 2:26 pm
                 Re: Star Wars to "redefine storytelling" *sOT*Avateur8/23/14 2:44 pm
                       Re: Star Wars to "redefine storytelling" *sOT*Quirel8/23/14 3:18 pm
                             Re: Star Wars to "redefine storytelling" *sOT*Avateur8/23/14 5:02 pm
                       Re: Star Wars to "redefine storytelling" *sOT* *NM*Cody Miller8/23/14 3:37 pm
     Re: Star Wars to "redefine storytelling" *sOT*serpx8/23/14 12:44 pm
           Re: Star Wars to "redefine storytelling" *sOT*Avateur8/23/14 1:27 pm
                 Re: Star Wars to "redefine storytelling" *sOT*serpx8/23/14 1:50 pm
                 Re: Star Wars to "redefine storytelling" *sOT*Cody Miller8/23/14 2:10 pm
                       Re: Star Wars to "redefine storytelling" *sOT*Avateur8/23/14 2:20 pm
                             Re: Star Wars to "redefine storytelling" *sOT*thebruce08/25/14 10:13 am
                                   Re: Star Wars to "redefine storytelling" *sOT*Avateur8/25/14 9:09 pm
     Re: Star Wars to "redefine storytelling" *sOT*Azo 'Galvat8/23/14 6:14 pm

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