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Re: Halo sighting
Date: 8/7/14 12:14 pm
In Response To: Re: Halo sighting (Postmortem)

: I'm planning to see this one next. Super exciting premise, and it's even
: cooler to know that cultural stuff like that gets worked in.

: I may be wrong in how this story came together, but it's super interesting
: considering what writing this film must have been like, not knowing what
: sort of technology might come out that could seriously alter a plot. Do
: you have to plan for that by writing a lighter, looser plot? Or rewrite
: the script as you go? Again, haven't read into this film too much, but
: I've always wanted to see a movie filmed this way (I used to think that
: this was actually how it was done as a kid, before I comprehended makeup
: and special effects). :P

Well, we, meaning human beings, have been the same for quite a while, so I don't think technology has changed things so terribly much that this kid's childhood is completely different from, say, my childhood--there are rights of passage we all go through. I guess I'm saying that technology wasn't really a factor here (I mean, it could have been, technically--the movie was made with film). I think Linklater set out to chronicle a process (or maybe two, the process of growing up and the process of parenting.) I bet many of his own childhood memories are filtered through this story, with some adjustments for time and place. If I were him, I would have mined the child actors for material as well. (For the sister character, that was probably relatively easy in that she is played by the director's daughter.)

Messages In This Thread

Halo sightingKermit8/6/14 7:51 pm
     Re: Halo sightingmc_leprechaun8/7/14 5:19 am
     Re: Halo sightingPostmortem8/7/14 12:00 pm
           Re: Halo sightingKermit8/7/14 12:14 pm
     Re: Halo sightingCody Miller8/7/14 12:49 pm
           Re: Halo sightingKermit8/7/14 12:53 pm
     Re: Halo sightingSEspider8/8/14 2:58 pm

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