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Re: Halo 3 - Loading Screen Easter Egg Found!
Date: 7/9/14 9:42 pm

Whoops, sorry bros. he kind of...messed up that original video.

Halo 3 - "Happy Birthday, Lauren!" Load Screen Easter Egg

"Update to the previous, now-unlisted video, ( because it turns out there was more to it if you played from the disc so that the game took its time to load.

I cheated to find this but whatever, it's been 7 years and everyone gave up on trying to find it.
Thanks Nowise10 ( for pointing out the text to me after the original video."

yep, this is the rumored birthday message easter egg that 1 of the developers did for his wife.

Messages In This Thread

Halo 3 - Loading Screen Easter Egg Found!gamerguy20027/9/14 1:11 am
     Re: Halo 3 - Loading Screen Easter Egg Found!Moorpheusl97/9/14 5:23 am
           Re: Halo 3 - Loading Screen Easter Egg Found!thebruce07/9/14 9:15 am
                 Re: Halo 3 - Loading Screen Easter Egg Found!Nikko B2017/9/14 9:30 am
                       Re: Halo 3 - Loading Screen Easter Egg Found!davidfuchs7/9/14 5:37 pm
                             Re: Halo 3 - Loading Screen Easter Egg Found!thebruce07/9/14 7:57 pm
                                   Re: Halo 3 - Loading Screen Easter Egg Found!Louis Wu7/9/14 8:50 pm
                                         Re: Halo 3 - Loading Screen Easter Egg Found!gamerguy20027/9/14 9:42 pm
                                               Re: Halo 3 - Loading Screen Easter Egg Found!Yapok7/9/14 10:30 pm
                                                     Hey Wu.gamerguy20027/9/14 11:23 pm
                                                           Re: Hey Wu.thebruce07/10/14 3:25 pm
                 Re: Halo 3 - Loading Screen Easter Egg Found!gamerguy20027/9/14 10:08 am

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