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Re: MS press conference thoughts.
Date: 6/9/14 2:59 pm
In Response To: MS press conference thoughts. (Gravemind)

: Some interesting stuff, but nothing exclusive-wise is screaming "Gotta
: get an XBO now!" A lot of the stuff was third-party multiplat games
: like CoD, The Division, and The Witcher III, so I'll just focus on actual
: exclusives.

: Sunset Overdrive looks slick, with vibrant visuals and a sense of humor about
: itself, but it also looks like it could end up being a repetitive slog
: through hordes of mostly identical mooks, plus Insomniac's last couple of
: games were apparently not all that good.

: Crackdown 3 has my interest. Unlike Crackdown 2, which was just a reskinned
: Crackdown 1, this one looks to be an all-new city. Also, the CG trailer
: insinuated destructible environments. However, like Crackdown 2 it's being
: made by a different developer (since Realtime Worlds is defunct, this was
: a given, though). I'll be keeping my eye on this one.

: Ori of the Blind Forest is a pretty-looking 2D game, but details are sparse.

: Project Spark still doesn't really do anything for me besides give me some
: ideas for Forge.

: Nothing for Gears of War, so I guess it's still extremely early in
: development. 2016 release, maybe?

: The highlight of the conference was of course Halo. Nothing for Halo 5
: really, but we did get the Master Chief Collection announced. The idea of
: a Halo 5 beta and Halo 2 online are enticing, but said interest may be
: nullified if Halo 1's MP still has no online and if Halo 2's MP is still
: broken (glitches, unbalanced weapons, iffy netcode). There was a Tweet
: that kinda-did-kinda-didn't confirm H1 MP was online, and apparently Halo
: 2 MP is running 100% as-is (or rather "as-was"). If anything
: convinces me to get an XBO either before they give it a price cut (no, the
: Kinect-less SKU isn't a "real" price cut; I'm talking the
: Kinect-less SKU dropping to $350 or less) or Halo 5 comes out, it'll be
: the MCC, but I still need more details before making a decision.

Halo 1's multplayer is online. To me, that's bigger than Halo 2's.

Messages In This Thread

MS press conference thoughts.Gravemind6/9/14 2:57 pm
     Re: MS press conference thoughts.serpx6/9/14 2:59 pm
     Re: MS press conference thoughts.Phoenix_92866/9/14 3:16 pm
     Re: MS press conference thoughts.MacGyver106/9/14 3:37 pm
           Re: MS press conference thoughts.thebruce06/9/14 4:03 pm
     Re: MS press conference thoughts.Moorpheusl96/9/14 4:49 pm
           Re: MS press conference thoughts.MacGyver106/9/14 4:54 pm
     Re: MS press conference thoughts.Avateur6/9/14 9:29 pm
           Re: MS press conference thoughts.DEEP NNN6/9/14 10:09 pm
                 Re: MS press conference thoughts.Avateur6/9/14 10:32 pm
                       Re: MS press conference thoughts.DEEP NNN6/9/14 10:39 pm
           Re: MS press conference thoughts.General Vagueness6/10/14 4:21 pm

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