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Re: So - E3 *sOT*
Date: 6/8/14 1:44 pm
In Response To: So - E3 *sOT* (Moorpheusl9)

I'm looking for something to invigorate the 2old2play Halo multiplayer community. We're still slogging it out every week but we're getting whittled down to the die-hards. Personally, I need something new to give me a boost.

I've been thinking about Halo's falling popularity a lot and solutions will not be easy.

343i has got to make the jump to XB1, irresistible. Otherwise the community will be split and die off quickly on both platforms.

While a bunch of map remakes for Halo 4 360 would be great, I think it may still be a long hard road to Halo 5. People who have XB1, want to play on them and there is only so much time to play.

One or more Halo campaign remakes, by themselves, will not get enough Halo fans moved to XB1. Multiplayer has to be included. Many people I know only want one platform to deal with. Perhaps, if 343i staggered the release of campaign remakes over 2014 and 2015, the Halo spirit may be kept alive, in a fashion. People might play them between Destiny adventures and going back to Halo 4 360.

If multiplayer is offered on XB1 then it has to include a shit ton of maps and it has to look and act modern. An exact re-do of Halo 2 multiplayer isn't enough or even close. All that'll do is split the community between two platforms. I think an upgraded Halo 4 multiplayer engine on XB1 with remakes of many maps plus a mix of old and new, game types, equipment, vehicles and weapons is the sweet spot.

If Spartan Ops reappears and is on either platform, I'll happy enough but I don't know if it could carry people over to XB1 without multiplayer.

Messages In This Thread

So - E3 *sOT*Moorpheusl96/8/14 12:05 pm
     Re: So - E3 *sOT*Cody Miller6/8/14 1:22 pm
     Re: So - E3 *sOT*DEEP NNN6/8/14 1:44 pm
           Re: So - E3 *sOT*Moorpheusl96/8/14 2:06 pm
     Just give me Halo 2 AnniversaryThe BS Police6/8/14 10:13 pm

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