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So - E3 *sOT*
Date: 6/8/14 12:05 pm

Figured an E3 thread was apt given that MS's conference is about 24 hours away.

What do you want to see from this year's E3?

Me personally - I want to be convinced to get an Xbox One pure and simple. The console looks good at the moment but there just aren't the games on there to convince me to drop a lot of money on it - maybe Titanfall but that's certainly not a system seller to me. I want games and lots of 'em!

From a Halo perspective - Halo 2 Anniversary is a given but aside from that, an announcement of Halo 4 Spartan Ops Season 2? Is there any chance of this or is it dead and buried? If not that, a good Halo 5 trailer perhaps with some in-game would be good.

For the other consoles - I only really play 3DS so updates on smash bros, perhaps an announcement on Mario kart 8 now that the wii u version is doing well and an announcement on Golden Sun 4 (come on Nintendo - make it happen) would be awesome.

Messages In This Thread

So - E3 *sOT*Moorpheusl96/8/14 12:05 pm
     Re: So - E3 *sOT*Cody Miller6/8/14 1:22 pm
     Re: So - E3 *sOT*DEEP NNN6/8/14 1:44 pm
           Re: So - E3 *sOT*Moorpheusl96/8/14 2:06 pm
     Just give me Halo 2 AnniversaryThe BS Police6/8/14 10:13 pm

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