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Re: H2:A Excitement
Date: 6/1/14 9:36 pm
In Response To: H2:A Excitement (zofinda)

: Just a thought on an awesome June summer evening, I realize H2A has already
: been debated to death.

: First, I had initial reservations about H:CEA, and although I enjoyed it
: -especially enjoyed the terminals- it seemed slightly unnecessary. I
: understand they wanted to bring a graphical upgrade, but the upgrade just
: didnt seem to work for me, and Im not talking about the art changes.

: But to the point, I just replayed Cairo Station, and took my time. And for
: whatever reason, a visual upgrade for Halo 2 excites me so so so much more
: than it did for Halo CE. The opening cutscene, the battle raging outside
: of Cairo Station, Chief delivering the bomb back to the Covenant, the MAC
: gone firing. This is assuming the dont radically change up the art style
: again. Oh yea, and once again I gladly would welcome terminals.

: This post went on much longer than I anticipated...just wanted to share my
: thoughts.

Thing is, a visual upgrade wouldn't change that much assuming they do exactly what they did in CEA: Update the assets and leave everything else alone. If all they change are the assets, the cinematics will largely look the same. The only work they did to CEA's cinematics was what... A little animation cleanup and slight camera angle changes? If they follow the same pattern, I doubt you're going to get anything that much more dramatic or exciting than what was there to begin with.

Messages In This Thread

H2:A Excitementzofinda6/1/14 9:09 pm
     Re: H2:A ExcitementPhoenix_92866/1/14 9:36 pm
           Re: H2:A Excitementzofinda6/1/14 9:46 pm
                 Re: H2:A ExcitementPkmnrulz2406/1/14 11:04 pm
                       Don't forget all the texture pop-in to fix! *NM*ZackDark6/2/14 9:20 am
                 Re: H2:A Excitementuberfoop6/1/14 11:27 pm
                       one more week! *NM*serpx6/1/14 11:41 pm
           Re: H2:A ExcitementGeneral Vagueness6/2/14 1:08 pm
                 Re: H2:A Excitementuberfoop6/2/14 11:19 pm
                       Re: H2:A ExcitementGeneral Vagueness6/3/14 2:40 pm
                             Re: H2:A Excitementuberfoop6/3/14 3:28 pm

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