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Customs Night (brought to a boil edition [Halo 4])
By:General Vagueness
Date: 5/28/14 9:43 pm

Whatever the weather, Customs Night is coming again. Customs Night, if you're unaware, is a weekly get-together in Halo held by Community Customs where everyone present plays custom games. This happens every Friday at 9:00 PM US Eastern time and continues until most everyone doesn't feel like playing any more. At Customs Night, we play custom and standard gametypes on custom maps (and sometimes a standard map or two), ranging from simple to complicated, from old to new, and from competitive to silly. If this sounds like fun, why not join us? You can do that by simply replying to this post with your gamertag. If you do, you'll get a message when we're starting.

Things to keep in mind:

- we pretty much play whatever the people present want to play, but we try to mix things up from game to game or at least every two or three games
- we don't run modded content because of concerns over the present and future risks of bans
- one of us admins (a group including iHyokin, ShadowoftheVoid, and Gnrl Vagueness) will have party lead all night (to ensure consistency and fairness, among other things), so...
- if you want to play something we don't already have, you'll have to tell us where we can get it-- if you do this in the lobby, we prefer that you have it in your file share, but giving the gamertag of someone else that has it in their file share is fine too
- we enjoy talking, and it's important to running Customs Night, so please, talk, just don't talk over anyone, OK?
- bringing maps and gametypes is highly encouraged, whether they're yours or someone else's, but it's not required
- other things you may want to bring: a snack, a friend, a joke, a story, something enlightening or interesting
- that time again is 9:00 PM EST this Friday and the game is Halo 4-- I hope we see you then!

Messages In This Thread

Customs Night (brought to a boil edition [Halo 4])General Vagueness5/28/14 9:43 pm
     Customs Night QuestionsGeneral Vagueness5/29/14 12:56 am
           Re: Customs Night QuestionsSEspider5/30/14 6:28 pm
                 Re: Customs Night QuestionsGeneral Vagueness5/30/14 8:08 pm
                       Re: Customs Night QuestionsDaedalos425/30/14 11:52 pm
                             Re: Customs Night QuestionsGeneral Vagueness5/31/14 12:08 am
           ME DOES UNT CAERMorpheus5/31/14 10:23 pm
                 Re: ME DOES UNT CAERGeneral Vagueness6/2/14 3:13 pm
     Re: Customs Night (brought to a boil edition [HaloHyokin5/29/14 1:01 am
           Re: Customs Night (brought to a boil edition [HaloKermit5/29/14 2:56 pm
                 Re: Customs Night (brought to a boil edition [HaloHyokin5/29/14 5:16 pm
                       Re: Customs Night (brought to a boil edition [HaloSEspider5/30/14 6:33 pm
                       Re: Customs Night (brought to a boil edition [HaloGeneral Vagueness5/30/14 8:02 pm
           Re: Customs Night (brought to a boil edition [HaloGeneral Vagueness5/30/14 7:58 pm
     New map for tonight!!SEspider5/30/14 5:46 pm
     Fun times, thanks *NM*CARDO 8 ATL6/2/14 12:20 pm
           Re: Fun times, thanksGeneral Vagueness6/2/14 3:13 pm

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