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Re: More E3 Rumors = Nonsense
Date: 5/12/14 10:43 am
In Response To: Re: More E3 Rumors = Nonsense (DEEP NNN)

: Exactly the faulty recollection stuck in peoples heads I was thinking of. As
: I remember it, Frankie did not lie about anything with regards to that CEA
: subject. He was answering truthfully to a question at that time. CEA
: production or whatever it was, started after the question was asked.

: His response is also on GAF, somewhere.

: People like Frankie have to coach every word they say when speaking to
: gamers. Deliberate lying when silence will do, is unreasonable. Especially
: for a professional who wants peoples trust.

Especially when you know that the lie WILL be unveiled at some point. It is very bad business/personal decision to willingly lie to fans. And probably not that smart if you think it could be mistaken as a lie. Tinfoil hats come in when people think that if statements are shown false, and the speaker apologizes, then it "must have" been a lie, because they "must have" known the truth.
It gets questionable of course, but IMO in the context of community management, give'em a break! On a corporate level - that may be different. But for people wanting to please the community, there is zero reason for someone to deliberately lie when it'll be revealed as such in time.

Messages In This Thread

H5 @ E3Cody Miller5/7/14 1:54 pm
     Re: H5 @ E3Jaydee5/7/14 2:26 pm
     Re: H5 @ E3Hyokin5/7/14 3:05 pm
           Re: H5 @ E3Xenos5/7/14 3:10 pm
                 Re: H5 @ E3Hyokin5/7/14 3:20 pm
                       Re: H5 @ E3Joe Duplessie (SNIPE 316)5/7/14 3:21 pm
                       Re: H5 @ E3gamerguy20025/7/14 3:45 pm
           Re: H5 @ E3Jironimo5/15/14 5:44 pm
     Re: H5 @ E3TDSpiral5/7/14 5:44 pm
     More E3 RumorsKal5/8/14 10:46 am
           Re: More E3 Rumorsdavidfuchs5/8/14 11:00 am
           Re: More E3 RumorsGrizzlei5/8/14 11:02 am
           Re: More E3 RumorsMacGyver105/8/14 11:52 am
                 Re: More E3 RumorsKal5/8/14 11:56 am
                       Re: More E3 Rumorsserpx5/8/14 12:25 pm
                       Re: More E3 RumorsStephen L. (SoundEffect)5/8/14 12:25 pm
           PlatinumCody Miller5/8/14 1:58 pm
           Re: More E3 Rumors = NonsenseDEEP NNN5/8/14 7:25 pm
                 Re: More E3 Rumors = Nonsensegamerguy20025/9/14 12:57 am
                       Re: More E3 Rumors = NonsenseDEEP NNN5/9/14 7:58 am
                             Re: More E3 Rumors = Nonsensegamerguy20025/9/14 10:12 am
                 Re: More E3 Rumors = NonsensePkmnrulz2405/10/14 10:39 am
                       Re: More E3 Rumors = NonsenseDEEP NNN5/10/14 11:36 am
                             Re: More E3 Rumors = Nonsensedavidfuchs5/10/14 3:13 pm
                                   Re: More E3 Rumors = NonsenseDEEP NNN5/10/14 4:30 pm
                                         Re: More E3 Rumors = Nonsensethebruce05/12/14 10:43 am
                             Re: More E3 Rumors = NonsenseJironimo5/15/14 5:46 pm
                                   Re: More E3 Rumors = NonsenseDEEP NNN5/15/14 11:56 pm
                                         Re: More E3 Rumors = NonsenseJoe Duplessie (SNIPE 316)5/16/14 1:42 am
                                               Re: More E3 Rumors = NonsenseDEEP NNN5/16/14 7:35 am
                                         Re: More E3 Rumors = NonsenseJironimo5/16/14 9:27 am
                                               Re: More E3 Rumors = NonsenseDEEP NNN5/16/14 9:35 am
                                                     Re: More E3 Rumors = NonsenseJironimo5/16/14 9:52 am
                                                           The Internet is serious businessDEEP NNN5/16/14 9:59 am
                 Re: More E3 Rumors = NonsenseApollo5/10/14 11:47 pm

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