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Re: More E3 Rumors
Date: 5/8/14 11:00 am
In Response To: More E3 Rumors (Kal)

: Here are some more E3 rumors from yesterday . Could be entirely made up, but
: it all sounds plausible: Ryse 2 is in development and will be announced at
: the show in a real-time in-game trailer. Gone is the Roman period, enter
: the medieval setting. The game will offer more freedom of exploration and
: a refined combat system. The main character is a sell-sword of sorts with
: a greater destiny. This game looks beyond belief. No release date
: (possibly late 2016)

: Forza Horizon 2 will be announced for release in October 2014 vai Playground
: Games. It will once again be open world and set in Louisiana, Missisips,
: New Mexico, Texas and Arkansas. Full day/night cycle, real time weather.
: Estimated 80 hour single player.

: 343 Industries will unveil Halo 2: Anniversary. This is a full (multiplayer
: included) visual makeover of Halo 2, it will also include the same options
: as Halo Anniversary (Including both visual modes) skulls etc. It will
: include the E3 2003 mission as a bonus unlockable and the maps from the PC
: version.

: No Turn 10 this year except in supportive capacity of Playground.

: Halo 5 will get its release date.

: Rare is prepping a re-boot of Battletoads and Perfect Dark. BT will initially
: be a download only title (see Killer Instinct) and is set to run at 60fps.
: Perfect Dark is looking to be rebooted into a Third Person Adventure game
: - Similar to Uncharted.

: Epic will be there to unveil their new game base on the Samaritan demo from
: 2012. This will be XBOX ONE EXCLUSIVE as Microsoft is the publisher.
: Possibly the best looking game of this generation.

: Good Science Studios will unveil their Kinect Only game "EchoBlack"
: - The game is controlled via the use of Kinect and the player plots
: through an adventure game drawn as by echolocation. The vibrancy of the
: world depicted alters depending on the pitch, loudness and location of the
: players voice. No release date.

: Twisted Pixel will reveal their next digital game which is set in a
: sci-fantasy planet of Dekelsus. Possibly a 2.5D platformer.

: Black Tusk will have a CGI trailer for Gears of War : Lazurus which will show
: the direction the series is heading.

: Lift London will be showing 2 projects. They are small and digital based. No
: other details unfortunately.

: Lionhead will have a brief gameplay of Fable Legends and bow out with a
: teaser of their next project which is set in a post-cataclysmic Earth
: decimated by egg shaped objects (possibly aliens)

: Frontier Development is working on a family friendly Kinect title for release
: in 2014

: Phantom Dust : Sacrifice is being worked on by Grounding Inc and will be a
: prequel to the original. The game will be episodic in nature.

: Quantum Break will be out November 2014 - There is a multiplayer mode - Part
: 1 of a trilogy. The game has had a significant graphical upgrade since
: last year.

: Sunset Overdrive is aiming for release on the last weeks of August/Early
: September. Graphically it looks like the CG trailer and the Parkour
: element of the game is a mix of Sonic, Jet Set Radio and Ratchet and
: Clank.

: The secret Japanese game is coming from Platinum Games and is a Viewtiful Joe
: like action- beat em up. Codename is "RugPuddle". This is part
: one of a multiple game deal with Microsoft to publish other titles in the
: future.

: Leap Experience Pioneers will announce their game which looks like a TPS/RPG
: hybrid set in a Sci-fi universe. Looks very Mass Effect inspired. COMING
: 2015

: Platform Next Games is a new studio. They will be presenting an unnamed tech
: demo based on an upcoming project (similar to Black Tusks demo last year)
: which appears to be set in either an ancient or fantasy setting.

: Games With Gold will be announced for Xbox One starting immediately. The aim
: is that it will be 1 retail game a month, 1 digital game per month of a
: choice of 2. This will evolve as time goes on.

: Microsoft will announce the date when retail units can be activated as
: development kits, it will be before October 2014.

: Crackdown: Skyline - Coming 2015 - No other info, not even the developer.
: Microsoft Studios.

: Multi-platforms are as follows: The Division (Xbox One is now lead platform)
: Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare
: Fallout 4
: EA game (not specified here)

: Exclusive/Timed DLC on all.
Would be a megaton if true. And 343 would cement their status in my eyes as the creators of the best video game remakes of all time :)

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                                               Re: More E3 Rumors = NonsenseDEEP NNN5/16/14 7:35 am
                                         Re: More E3 Rumors = NonsenseJironimo5/16/14 9:27 am
                                               Re: More E3 Rumors = NonsenseDEEP NNN5/16/14 9:35 am
                                                     Re: More E3 Rumors = NonsenseJironimo5/16/14 9:52 am
                                                           The Internet is serious businessDEEP NNN5/16/14 9:59 am
                 Re: More E3 Rumors = NonsenseApollo5/10/14 11:47 pm

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