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Re: Simple answer...
By:RC Master
Date: 5/11/14 1:13 pm
In Response To: Simple answer... (RC Master)

: Because over short distances using copper cable is much cheaper than fibre
: optic. Simpler to build as well I think.

I only know this because I was curious about the answer myself a while ago.

This was after I learned that the NHK's vision of 8K also included 100 degree viewing angles, 120hz refresh rates and 36 bits per pixel in an expanded colour gamut. Leading to raw video rates of around 144 Gb/s. Ya know, only an order of magnitude more than HDMI 2.0 can transmit.

I was like... damn, the copper ain't gonna be able to take that...

Messages In This Thread

Halo CE at 8K ResolutionTrunks5/9/14 4:50 pm
     8K!?uberfoop5/9/14 6:34 pm
     Isn't this basically just 16x FSAA?RC Master5/10/14 10:12 am
           Re: Isn't this basically just 16x FSAA?uberfoop5/10/14 2:11 pm
           Re: Isn't this basically just 16x FSAA?Cody Miller5/10/14 7:27 pm
                 Well...ZackDark5/10/14 11:47 pm
                       Why the hell wouldn't you? :-)scarab5/11/14 4:21 am
                       Re: Well...RC Master5/11/14 10:09 am
                             HehZackDark5/11/14 10:46 am
                                   Speaking of whichZackDark5/11/14 10:47 am
                                         Simple answer...RC Master5/11/14 1:05 pm
                                               Re: Simple answer...RC Master5/11/14 1:13 pm
                                                     WaitZackDark5/11/14 2:21 pm
                                                           Re: Waituberfoop5/11/14 2:26 pm
                                                                 Sounds delicious *NM*ZackDark5/11/14 3:30 pm
     Why is this better?Urban Reflex5/10/14 4:59 pm
           Re: Why is this better?davidfuchs5/10/14 5:50 pm
                 Re: Why is this better?Urban Reflex5/10/14 6:09 pm
           Sampling and stuff, state of 3D graphics, *IMGs*uberfoop5/10/14 6:52 pm
                 Very informative. Thank you for that *NM*ZackDark5/11/14 12:06 am
                 Thank you Super Fooper, good stuff *NM*CARDO 8 ATL5/12/14 4:21 pm

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