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Re: Why is this better?
By:Urban Reflex
Date: 5/10/14 6:09 pm
In Response To: Re: Why is this better? (davidfuchs)

: Downsampling smooths all the jaggies and aliasing of the geometry. Think
: about it this way--while textures have real sizes in pixels, geometry is
: just math, it can be rendered as "large" as you want. It would
: probably be a more dramatic difference on a newer game than Halo CE
: though--given that it was deliberately designed to be low-poly friendly.

Okay, this makes sense to me. Thank you :)

Messages In This Thread

Halo CE at 8K ResolutionTrunks5/9/14 4:50 pm
     8K!?uberfoop5/9/14 6:34 pm
     Isn't this basically just 16x FSAA?RC Master5/10/14 10:12 am
           Re: Isn't this basically just 16x FSAA?uberfoop5/10/14 2:11 pm
           Re: Isn't this basically just 16x FSAA?Cody Miller5/10/14 7:27 pm
                 Well...ZackDark5/10/14 11:47 pm
                       Why the hell wouldn't you? :-)scarab5/11/14 4:21 am
                       Re: Well...RC Master5/11/14 10:09 am
                             HehZackDark5/11/14 10:46 am
                                   Speaking of whichZackDark5/11/14 10:47 am
                                         Simple answer...RC Master5/11/14 1:05 pm
                                               Re: Simple answer...RC Master5/11/14 1:13 pm
                                                     WaitZackDark5/11/14 2:21 pm
                                                           Re: Waituberfoop5/11/14 2:26 pm
                                                                 Sounds delicious *NM*ZackDark5/11/14 3:30 pm
     Why is this better?Urban Reflex5/10/14 4:59 pm
           Re: Why is this better?davidfuchs5/10/14 5:50 pm
                 Re: Why is this better?Urban Reflex5/10/14 6:09 pm
           Sampling and stuff, state of 3D graphics, *IMGs*uberfoop5/10/14 6:52 pm
                 Very informative. Thank you for that *NM*ZackDark5/11/14 12:06 am
                 Thank you Super Fooper, good stuff *NM*CARDO 8 ATL5/12/14 4:21 pm

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