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Re: GSML - Invasion on Hushed Apprentice
Date: 4/26/14 1:51 am
In Response To: Re: GSML - Invasion on Hushed Apprentice (Joe Duplessie (SNIPE 316))

: Which one were you? I didn't recognize your voice anywhere, and I didn't see
: your GT.

He's the most prominent voice second to mine, he was the second player on the split screen.

Expect a few more guests like phisto to show up in the rotation.

Messages In This Thread

GSML - Invasion on Hushed Apprenticepadraig084/25/14 2:54 pm
     Re: GSML - Invasion on Hushed Apprenticedavidfuchs4/25/14 9:55 pm
           Re: GSML - Invasion on Hushed ApprenticeLostSpartan9874/25/14 11:21 pm
                 Re: GSML - Invasion on Hushed ApprenticeJoe Duplessie (SNIPE 316)4/25/14 11:48 pm
                       Re: GSML - Invasion on Hushed Apprenticepadraig084/26/14 1:51 am

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