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Re: Parody Feedback Needed :img:
By:General Vagueness
Date: 4/18/14 9:03 pm
In Response To: Re: Parody Feedback Needed :img: (SEspider)

: Yes and No.
: Words alone like "Hobbes", "Calvin", "Halo",
: and "Cortana" can not be copyrighted because they are common
: place words and names. However, combinations of words can be. Words like
: "Halo 2", "Superman", and "Back To The
: Future" can. Fully made up words can be trademarked and copyrighted
: as well. Ungorry would be a great example of that; as would most names of
: Halo characters and species. But "Grunt", Elite",
: "Jackal", and "Forerunner" can not. Names of
: characters like "Bruce Wayne", "Avery Johnson",
: "Peter Parker", etc can not be copyrighted because they are real
: names used by hundreds of people.

: However, the unique spelling and appearance of names can be copyrighted. But
: when done, they then fall into the graphical logo category.
: "Portal" is a great example of this

: Sadly, technology and the internet has made naming parodies (true parodies) a
: nightmare. Parody artist are consistently running into ID bots on a daily
: bases. These IDbot look at the names, keywords, & tags of all images
: online. If ANY OF THOSE WORDS match copyrighted material in their
: databanks, then they create a false claim on behalf of the company in
: their databanks and have the supposedly infringing art removed. The IDbots
: completely ignore the art and the rights of the parody artist for the
: equal rights of the larger artist/company.

: Think of it as the same issues we are all having with the IDbot on YouTube
: type sites. But Parody Artist have been dealing with it for two years
: longer and on multiple websites. RebBubble has such a bot and is the
: reason I've stopped using them. Their Bot has removed all of my Portal
: parodies and claiming Valve made the claims. I've contacted Valve each
: time and they have denied making the claim. They agreed that the claim was
: ridiculous after seeing the art in question and wrote a nice approval
: letter to RedBubble to support my rights. They even went a step futher and
: promoted the art once it was back up for sale. Needless to say, but that
: was a good week for me. However, once a claim has been removed from said
: art, RedBubble does not put any protection on it to prevent future false
: claims. And the exact same art was removed. I had to go through this
: process four times because of the stupid IDbot. I got tired of it and
: moved it to SpreadShirt. None of my other parodies are attcked by the bot
: because none of them have the word "Portal" in the title. But I
: can't remove the word because "Dr.Portal" is the best name for
: the design.

: Companies like RedBubble also have the DMCA. This is a group od actual human
: being going through online art submissions to ensure parodies and art are
: indeed parodies and/or original works of art. And for the most part, they
: do their job very well. However, they also get paid on commission which
: results in them removing parodies during the release dates of the parody's
: subject matter's promotions. These promotions are game and movie releases
: as well as clothing releases. Although they have no right to remove
: parodies, they do so to ensure sales traffic is driven toward the parody
: subject instead of the parody. This earns them a higher commision (based
: on traffic flow). It wouldn't be companies like Valve paying the
: commisions. It'd be the retailers and third party product companies behind
: it.

: Hopefully that was easy to understand.
: In short, I have the right to use "Hobbes" in my parody's title.
: But because of the IDbot, I can't take the risk of it being falsely taken
: down.

I'm pretty sure you mean trademark, not copyright. Names of things and names from things are often trademarked; I don't think a name can be copyrighted.

Messages In This Thread

Parody Feedback Needed :img:SEspider4/17/14 10:21 pm
     Re: Parody Feedback Needed :img:Louis Wu4/17/14 10:55 pm
           Re: Parody Feedback Needed :img:SEspider4/17/14 11:01 pm
                 Re: Parody Feedback Needed :img:ncsuDuncan4/17/14 11:19 pm
                       Re: Parody Feedback Needed :img:SEspider4/18/14 3:31 am
                             Re: Parody Feedback Needed :img:ZackDark4/18/14 5:47 am
                                   Re: Parody Feedback Needed :img:Hyokin4/18/14 10:13 am
                                         Re: Or Courtney and Sean! *NM*Hyokin4/18/14 10:22 am
                                   Re: Parody Feedback Needed :img:SEspider4/18/14 12:45 pm
                                         Got it. That sucks. *NM*ZackDark4/18/14 1:37 pm
                                         Re: Parody Feedback Needed :img:General Vagueness4/18/14 9:03 pm
                                               Re: Parody Feedback Needed :img:General Vagueness4/19/14 12:22 am
                                         Not quite..RC Master4/19/14 4:30 pm
                             Courtney and Heretic? *NM*CARDO 8 ATL4/18/14 5:19 pm
     Awesome! *NM*Quirel4/17/14 10:59 pm
           Thank You *NM*SEspider4/18/14 12:46 pm
     ONE RING TO RULE THEM ALL--You Decide ::IMGs::SEspider5/22/14 4:07 pm
           Top Rightpadraig085/22/14 4:15 pm
                 Re: Top RightSEspider5/22/14 5:19 pm
           Hard choice.Quirel5/22/14 4:33 pm
                 Re: Hard choice.SEspider5/22/14 5:26 pm
                       Re: Hard choice.Quirel5/22/14 9:35 pm
                             Re: Hard choice.SEspider5/22/14 11:37 pm
           Re: ONE RING TO RULE THEM ALL--You Decide ::IMGs::serpx5/22/14 4:41 pm
                 Re: ONE RING TO RULE THEM ALL--You Decide ::IMGs::SEspider5/22/14 5:24 pm
                       Re: ONE RING TO RULE THEM ALL--You Decide ::IMGs::serpx5/22/14 6:21 pm
           Vote For Your Favorite Here... ::Online Poll::SEspider5/22/14 6:54 pm
           Suggestions and Rough Mockup.Bones5/22/14 10:51 pm
                 ThisZackDark5/22/14 11:46 pm
                 Re: Suggestions and Rough Mockup.SEspider5/23/14 1:24 am
                       Re: Suggestions and Rough Mockup.ZackDark5/23/14 3:14 am
                             Re: Suggestions and Rough Mockup.MacGyver105/23/14 5:35 pm
                                   Re: Suggestions and Rough Mockup.SEspider5/24/14 1:24 am
                                         Re: Suggestions and Rough Mockup.Bones5/24/14 10:33 am
                                               Re: Suggestions and Rough Mockup.ZackDark5/24/14 6:10 pm
                                                     Feedback and Votes still needed. Thanks.SEspider5/26/14 1:47 pm
                                                           Re: Feedback and Votes still needed. Thanks.Quirel5/27/14 1:07 am
                                                                 Re: Feedback and Votes still needed. Thanks.CARDO 8 ATL5/27/14 5:38 pm
           Because You Guys/Gals Asked For It...::Many IMGs::SEspider6/3/14 3:40 pm
                 Wish there was a "EDIT" button for posts. *NM*SEspider6/3/14 3:43 pm
                 something to be aware of...Louis Wu6/3/14 4:44 pm
                       Re: something to be aware of...Morpheus6/3/14 5:59 pm
                       THANK YOU, mastrbiggy!!! And sorry for the mistakeSEspider6/3/14 11:49 pm
                             Re: THANK YOU, mastrbiggy!!! And sorry for the mismastrbiggy6/7/14 4:23 pm
                                   Re: THANK YOU, mastrbiggy!!! And sorry for the misSEspider6/9/14 12:20 am
                 This is a great design.Nikko B2016/6/14 5:57 pm
                       Re: This is a great design.SEspider6/9/14 12:24 am
     Mastrbiggy Never Looked More Handsome! ::IMG::SEspider6/15/14 8:21 pm
           Re: Mastrbiggy Never Looked More Handsome! ::IMG::General Vagueness6/16/14 10:31 pm

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