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Re: Halo 4 *SP*
Date: 3/22/14 8:59 pm
In Response To: Re: Halo 4 *SP* (uberfoop)

: Uh, sort of.

: The lack of gender-neutral pronouns for English is rather problematic, which
: is why in some uses many people have started to adopt the plural
: "they" for singular purposes.

We've had plenty of stupid popular phrases and internet slang added to the dictionary every year, why can't we just make some up?

Or is "they" good enough to cover the lost ground with more meanings? Isn't English confusing enough?

(Constantly running into this issue in my writing. "One would..." sounds condescending and "He or she would..." is too qualifying while not actually covering all options. Hence "They would..." but then you lose your singular/plurality specification....)

Messages In This Thread

Halo and the Bechdel TestCody Miller3/22/14 5:26 pm
     Re: Halo and the Bechdel TestCody Miller3/22/14 5:27 pm
           Auntie Dot too, but no interaction either *NM*ZackDark3/22/14 5:49 pm
                 Re: Auntie Dot too, but no interaction eitherCody Miller3/22/14 6:05 pm
                       Re: Auntie Dot too, but no interaction eitheGrizzlei3/22/14 10:32 pm
                             Re: Auntie Dot too, but no interaction eitheNartFOpc3/23/14 3:08 am
           Re: Halo and the Bechdel Testbreitzen3/22/14 6:17 pm
                 Re: Halo and the Bechdel TestCody Miller3/22/14 6:27 pm
                       Re: Halo and the Bechdel Testbreitzen3/22/14 7:22 pm
                       Re: Halo and the Bechdel TestLeviathan3/22/14 9:01 pm
     Re: Halo and the Bechdel TestStephen L. (SoundEffect)3/22/14 5:52 pm
     Halo 4 *SP*Grizzlei3/22/14 7:52 pm
           Nearly sold myself short!Grizzlei3/22/14 7:57 pm
                 Re: Nearly sold myself short!RC Master3/22/14 8:59 pm
                       Re: Nearly sold myself short!Grizzlei3/22/14 9:13 pm
                             Re: Nearly sold myself short!ckamp3/25/14 2:48 am
                 Re: Nearly sold myself short!Quirel3/23/14 12:32 am
                       Re: Nearly sold myself short!Grizzlei3/24/14 12:34 am
                             Re: Nearly sold myself short!Schooly D3/24/14 1:21 pm
                                   Re: Nearly sold myself short!Grizzlei3/24/14 2:42 pm
                             Re: Nearly sold myself short!Quirel3/24/14 3:22 pm
                                   Re: Nearly sold myself short!Grizzlei3/24/14 11:36 pm
                                         Re: Nearly sold myself short!Quirel3/25/14 2:03 am
           Re: Halo 4 *SP*Cody Miller3/22/14 8:02 pm
                 Re: Halo 4 *SP*Grizzlei3/22/14 8:09 pm
                       Re: Halo 4 *SP*Cody Miller3/22/14 8:27 pm
                             Re: Halo 4 *SP*Grizzlei3/22/14 8:33 pm
                             What happened to "it"? *NM*ZackDark3/22/14 10:27 pm
                                   Re: What happened to "it"?Grizzlei3/22/14 10:51 pm
                                         Re: What happened to "it"?uberfoop3/23/14 1:14 am
                                               Re: What happened to "it"?ZackDark3/23/14 5:30 pm
                                                     Re: What happened to "it"?uberfoop3/23/14 8:28 pm
                                                           Re: What happened to "it"?NartFOpc3/23/14 8:41 pm
                                                                 Re: What happened to "it"?uberfoop3/23/14 8:46 pm
                                                                       Or more seriously...uberfoop3/23/14 8:50 pm
                 Re: Halo 4 *SP*uberfoop3/22/14 8:19 pm
                       Re: Halo 4 *SP*Leviathan3/22/14 8:59 pm
                             Re: Halo 4 *SP*Grizzlei3/22/14 9:17 pm
                                   Re: Halo 4 *SP*Leviathan3/22/14 10:55 pm
                             Re: Halo 4 *SP*RC Master3/22/14 9:33 pm
                                   Re: Halo 4 *SP*Leviathan3/22/14 10:58 pm
                                         WHOA WHOA WHOAuberfoop3/23/14 12:59 am
                                               Re: WHOA WHOA WHOALeviathan3/23/14 9:30 am
                                   Re: Halo 4 *SP*ckamp3/25/14 3:14 am
           Halo WarsGrizzlei3/22/14 8:07 pm
           Re: Halo 4 *SP*kanbo3/22/14 10:13 pm
                 Re: Halo 4 *SP*Grizzlei3/22/14 10:18 pm
     Re: Halo and the Bechdel TestQuirel3/22/14 10:29 pm
     Re: Halo and the Bechdel TestRagashingo3/22/14 11:48 pm
     Sadie and the Cronescarab3/23/14 3:23 pm
           Good catch! *NM*Quirel3/23/14 3:44 pm
           That's pretty one-sided, IMO. Both parts. *NM*ZackDark3/23/14 5:34 pm

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