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Re: Your wishlist for Forge in Halo 5?
By:RC Master
Date: 3/22/14 11:27 am
In Response To: Re: Your wishlist for Forge in Halo 5? (SEspider)

: After working in Project Spark for the last 2+ weeks, I can attest that this
: is a MUST HAVE. However, unlike Spark, we would need to be able to also
: streatch objects. Otherwise we'd be running into the same issue that Spark
: users are now. Still having to use multiple objects to get a simple shape
: we need. By simply asking for scalable objects, we're asking for a all
: dimensions to be locked to a aspect ratio. But allowing us to stretch and
: squish objects, it allows for far smaller forge pallets without loosing
: the amout of uses but increasing them.

Ah, that is actually what I meant: scalable independently in all dimensions :)

A long, low wall or a big fat box all from the same 'cuboid' primitive (I think that's the right word?)

: It also needs to be noted that a object's textures need to be automatically
: locked to size with the object. Only after unlocking it should be be able
: to change the texture's size/tile, rotation, and location. Also something
: not possible in Project Spark.

Not played Project Spark so not quite sure what you mean here.

: This is already possible (sorta). In any CTF gametype, if you set any item
: (except flag stands) as Neutral and then as a "Flag Return",
: that item becomes invisible. Vehicals and players can not pass through
: them but grenades and bullets can. The new Race gametype has a similar
: feature where you simply set it as "race hide". No reason this
: couldn't be added to all gametypes.

Cool, didn't know that. But taking hacks and making them features is always good in my book. :)

: Outside of the Forge specs so vets can "hit the ground running",
: this idea is not possible. Sorry. The different Halo Forge Modes are all
: too different from one another to be brought into one. Except possibly
: with Reach and 4. Also for it to work, all maps from those games would
: have to be included with their same graphics and physics and codes. It's
: simply not possible. If you want to forge on those maps, I'm sad to say
: that you must boot up those games.

I don't know why you think that. As far as I understand it, the Forge files are essentially just a list of 'object B, position X,Y,Z, Rotation PQR and Properties NMO.' I don't think the import process needs to be perfect in order to be a great help in making use of that legacy of custom content.

Starting from a kinda-broken-maybe-there-are-a-few-holes-in-it version of a map made in a previous game would help some forgers. Rather than being presented with a empty void. The objects need not be the same but, could substitute like-for-like. It could only import major structure pieces and leave markers for where the location of objects that couldn't be imported. If they had squishy objects, it could even be used to re-create some objects instead of having to have all of the unique meshes in the game. I might only be possible to import from Sandbox/Foundry/Forge Island/Forge World/(those 3 others) or whatever. Perhaps maps would be imported into the 'generic forge void' map and forgers would have to rebuild part of it that relied on map geometry.

There are tons of concessions and limitations that could be made to the feature and it would still retain some usefulness. Especially in the critical early stages of the game's lifetime.

Plus, I really, really hate generational loss and think it's hurting video games a lot more than people realise.

: Though it's pretty simple to build items and maps, it's the setting up of
: gametypes and settings that intimidates gamers. Seemed to take me forever
: to learn how to set up Invasion. Same with Extraction and Dominion. I
: still don't know what to do with the data numbers and what they are for.
: And I've been forging since Halo3!

Good point: gametypes are complicated to set up as well. It's really not good that the only way to find out about that stuff is on the web and it isn't easy to find.

: This more falls in line with the use of the Kinect. It works very well on
: Xbox One, but I don't see it happening anytime soon. Not even if it was on
: the PS4 and used their wands.

Well I was really wishlisting by this point. I've seen some tech demos that look incredible. I loved playing lego and k'nex and stuff as a kid but I could never really get into Forging or 3D modelling and one of the reasons was because of the interface feeling really unintuitive for manipulating building blocks in 3D space. Once it's possible to model in VR though I'm going to have another go at getting into it.

Messages In This Thread

Your wishlist for Forge in Halo 5?pete_the_duck3/19/14 10:06 pm
     Re: Your wishlist for Forge in Halo 5?davidfuchs3/20/14 12:00 am
     Re: Your wishlist for Forge in Halo 5?Joe Duplessie (SNIPE 316)3/20/14 12:31 am
           Re: Your wishlist for Forge in Halo 5?Quirel3/20/14 1:22 am
                 Re: Your wishlist for Forge in Halo 5?Joe Duplessie (SNIPE 316)3/20/14 3:44 am
                       Re: Your wishlist for Forge in Halo 5?}SoC{BrownSound3/20/14 12:16 pm
                             Re: Your wishlist for Forge in Halo 5?Joe Duplessie (SNIPE 316)3/20/14 7:59 pm
     Re: Your wishlist for Forge in Halo 5?RC Master3/20/14 8:43 pm
           Re: Your wishlist for Forge in Halo 5?SEspider3/22/14 2:35 am
                 Re: Your wishlist for Forge in Halo 5?RC Master3/22/14 11:27 am
                 Re: Your wishlist for Forge in Halo 5?pete_the_duck3/23/14 2:15 pm
                       Re: Your wishlist for Forge in Halo 5?NOKYARD3/23/14 3:59 pm
     Re: Your wishlist for Forge in Halo 5?Gravemind3/21/14 1:03 am
     Halo 5 Forge Wish List, draft for community reviewpete_the_duck3/25/14 6:52 pm
           Re: Halo 5 Forge Wish List, draft for community reXenos3/25/14 7:10 pm
           Awesome List Pete!breitzen3/26/14 12:13 am
           Great listRC Master3/27/14 5:36 pm
                 Re: Great listpete_the_duck3/27/14 6:08 pm
                       Re: Great listHyokin3/27/14 9:03 pm
                       LOL *NM*RC Master3/28/14 5:18 pm

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