First thing's first: testing has shown that game chat in the Master Chief Collection is now working (and relatedly the most recent system update for the ol' bone has brought back an old favorite-- voice messages). Secondly, we've been getting great turnout lately (thank you for that), and can now confirm the MCC can handle over a dozen players in a custom game and handle them pretty well. The time has never been better for MCC customs!
So please, come join us this Friday at 9:00 PM EST for Custom Games in the Master Chief Collection! You can sign up by posting a reply to this topic with your gamertag included, or by using the sign-up thread on our website!
- Have your NAT set to OPEN or MODERATE (if possible)
- Keep your voice down (but please feel free to talk!)
- Respect other players, we're all here to have fun
- Share the party lead, let someone else run their map
- Bring a map and a friend, and smash that dumb sea witch's amulet, we want to hear your voice!
I hope we see you tomorrow!