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Hunt the Truth Opinion
Date: 4/6/15 12:55 am

I personally find it incredibly exciting so far. Spoilers ahead, for anyone not familiar with Halo lore.

I absolutely love that ONI is being set up as the bad guys, and in my opinion they should be. These are the same people who kidnapped children, flash cloned them so their parents were none the wiser but nonetheless lost their cloned children soon after due to the disposable nature of flash clones. They forced these children to become military geniuses, and then forced them to take experimental drugs, surgeries, and technology. And they did all this not to fight aliens, but insurrectionists; humans from the outer colonies who don't want to be taxed by the earth.

Now that humanity has beaten the Covenant, and the Spartans, MC in particular, are legendary, the ONI spooks are retelling the origins of the Master Chief as some sort of heroic story involving insurrectionist kidnapping, murdered parents, and naturally above average physique and fighting skills.

As this all unfolds, I can't help but assume it is leading to the return of the insurrectionist war, and John won't be fighting for Earth. I don't necessarily think he'll fight for the insurrectionists; I think he'll be fighting for himself, and perhaps his remaining family (Spartans and perhaps Halsey, although I've always thought Halsey was too unpredictable, wishy washy, and classic mad scientist to truly trust).

This newest entry with John's pre-kidnapping neighborhood friend that he played and daydreamed with is so heartbreaking. This little girl who had a friend in John, dreaming of the future, only to have him replaces (unbeknownst to her) by a clone who rapidly began to break down and eventually die, was traumatized by the whole experience. And as we know from the anime, the clones themselves are very sad as well, having full sentience, memories, and emotions; they are real people, created simply to die so that their original counterparts can be kidnapped without suspicion and be trained as murder machines. And now, this 40/50-something old woman finds out this boy she knew during her childhood apparently didn't die but is instead the legendary Master Chief. Will ONI kill her, or will they simply discredit her; make her look crazy? I don't know but I sure am looking forward to finding out.

For those who may have no idea what I'm talking about, this is regarding these two entries:

And of course, the other rambling dtuff is classic Halo lore, mostly from the novel, Halo: The Fall of Reach.

Messages In This Thread

Hunt the Truth OpinionAfroRyan4/6/15 12:55 am
     Re: Hunt the Truth OpinionHyokin4/6/15 1:33 am
           Re: Hunt the Truth OpinionPostmortem4/6/15 8:50 am
                 Re: Hunt the Truth Opiniondavidfuchs4/6/15 2:01 pm
                       Re: Hunt the Truth OpinionAfroRyan4/6/15 2:37 pm
                             Re: Hunt the Truth Opiniondavidfuchs4/6/15 4:25 pm
                       Re: Hunt the Truth Opinionasa4/6/15 3:56 pm
                             Re: Hunt the Truth OpinionDHalo4/6/15 8:53 pm
                                   Re: Hunt the Truth Opinionrobofin1174/6/15 9:18 pm
                                   Re: Hunt the Truth OpinionGeneral Vagueness4/7/15 3:41 pm
                                         Re: Hunt the Truth OpinionDHalo4/7/15 9:26 pm
                                               Section 2: Focus Testing Propaganda Since 2478! *NM*Quirel4/8/15 12:07 am
                                               Spartan Opsdavidfuchs4/8/15 9:04 am
           Re: Hunt the Truth Opinionserpx4/6/15 3:49 pm
                 Re: Hunt the Truth OpinionApollo4/6/15 10:16 pm

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