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Re: Halo 5 Beta - Walking Outside of the Maps
Date: 1/16/15 5:25 pm

: Gotta say - I HATED when this crap happened in Reach (it happened more there
: than 2 or 3, at least to me).

: Total waste of time. I was basically given a choice: waste the time I have to
: play games waiting for the timer to run out, or quit and lose.

: Pfft. Not front-paging this. :(

See, this is my biggest issue with 343i focusing on MLG players to test their maps. These players tend to not try to break the maps b/c is makes them look bad if they do so to win a match. And because of that, issues like this become game breakers. there needs to be three large groups of testers.

1) MLG to aspects?
2) Normal players to test weapon and map balance.
3) Cheaters to break the maps.

Halos 1-4 has all of these issues all because they were not tested properly. And they have resulted in the developer adding ridiculous amounts of kill zones that Forgers can not remove. Thus breaking the gameplay even more. Because the cheaters ALWAYS find a way to cheat.

With all that said and done, this a a great video because it showcases issues that 343i needs to fix. And I'm sure there's A LOT MORE then what was shown. And THIS is why Betas are important.
To the cheater's credit, he doesn't actually show how he cheated/glitched to get off the map. So that's a plus.

For the record, Glitching to win or get a advantage over non-glitchers IS STILL CHEATING.

Messages In This Thread

Halo 5 Beta - Flying outside of mapsgamerguy20021/10/15 12:33 pm
     Re: Halo 5 Beta - Flying outside of mapsDielectric1/10/15 5:51 pm
           Re: Halo 5 Beta - Flying outside of mapsBlueNinja1/10/15 7:53 pm
     Re: Halo 5 Beta - Flying outside of mapsSEspider1/10/15 7:43 pm
           Re: Halo 5 Beta - Flying outside of mapsgamerguy20021/10/15 10:39 pm
                 Halo 5 Beta - Walking Outside of the Mapsgamerguy20021/14/15 2:49 pm
                       Re: Halo 5 Beta - Walking Outside of the MapsLouis Wu1/14/15 4:21 pm
                             Re: Halo 5 Beta - Walking Outside of the Mapsgamerguy20021/14/15 8:15 pm
                             Re: Halo 5 Beta - Walking Outside of the MapsSEspider1/16/15 5:25 pm
                                   Re: Halo 5 Beta - Walking Outside of the MapsGamecheat131/16/15 7:00 pm
                                   Re: Halo 5 Beta - Walking Outside of the Mapsthebruce01/16/15 7:55 pm
                                         Halo 5 Beta - Walking outside of Oriongamerguy20021/16/15 11:04 pm
                                               Re: Halo 5 Beta - Walking outside of OrionSEspider1/20/15 2:51 am
                                               Re: Halo 5 Beta - Walking outside of Orionthebruce01/20/15 9:33 am

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