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Re: Halo 5 Beta - Flying outside of maps
Date: 1/10/15 10:39 pm
In Response To: Re: Halo 5 Beta - Flying outside of maps (SEspider)

: Surely, someone has hacked and exported the Beta models by now. I really
: need/want that Halo Ring on the Truth map.

Hacked? wut? best thing hackers can do right now is store the beta on a drive so they can export it later on, theres no way they can hack XBO files right now.

The description is interesting:
"For a forge map the actual playable area is extremely small. It actually looks like they cut out a small chunk of the map to use for this. Most of the outside is cheaply rendered and looks rushed. So you can expect the final map to be much much bigger."

So bigger then what we saw here? is it possible were looking at the Forge World/Islands for this game?

Messages In This Thread

Halo 5 Beta - Flying outside of mapsgamerguy20021/10/15 12:33 pm
     Re: Halo 5 Beta - Flying outside of mapsDielectric1/10/15 5:51 pm
           Re: Halo 5 Beta - Flying outside of mapsBlueNinja1/10/15 7:53 pm
     Re: Halo 5 Beta - Flying outside of mapsSEspider1/10/15 7:43 pm
           Re: Halo 5 Beta - Flying outside of mapsgamerguy20021/10/15 10:39 pm
                 Halo 5 Beta - Walking Outside of the Mapsgamerguy20021/14/15 2:49 pm
                       Re: Halo 5 Beta - Walking Outside of the MapsLouis Wu1/14/15 4:21 pm
                             Re: Halo 5 Beta - Walking Outside of the Mapsgamerguy20021/14/15 8:15 pm
                             Re: Halo 5 Beta - Walking Outside of the MapsSEspider1/16/15 5:25 pm
                                   Re: Halo 5 Beta - Walking Outside of the MapsGamecheat131/16/15 7:00 pm
                                   Re: Halo 5 Beta - Walking Outside of the Mapsthebruce01/16/15 7:55 pm
                                         Halo 5 Beta - Walking outside of Oriongamerguy20021/16/15 11:04 pm
                                               Re: Halo 5 Beta - Walking outside of OrionSEspider1/20/15 2:51 am
                                               Re: Halo 5 Beta - Walking outside of Orionthebruce01/20/15 9:33 am

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