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Re: 343 Industries needs to watch this video
Date: 1/13/15 3:20 am
In Response To: 343 Industries needs to watch this video (SEspider)

I can differentiate Halo: Combat Evolved from a game like Viewtiful Joe or Flower. I can't really do the same between Crysis, Battlefield, and Call of Duty, or amongst the likes of Forza Motorsport, Gran Turismo, and Euro Truck Simulator 2. Everything the narrator said was absolutely true. I've enjoyed far more many games that strive for a unique visual identity much more than those simply being as lifelike as possible.

Messages In This Thread

343 Industries needs to watch this videoSEspider1/13/15 1:32 am
     Re: 343 Industries needs to watch this videoGrizzlei1/13/15 3:20 am
           Re: 343 Industries needs to watch this video.gamerguy20021/13/15 2:41 pm
     Re: 343 Industries needs to watch this videoRagashingo1/13/15 4:33 pm
           Re: 343 Industries needs to watch this videothebruce01/13/15 5:41 pm
                 Re: 343 Industries needs to watch this videoyakaman1/14/15 3:01 pm
           Re: 343 Industries needs to watch this videoArteenEsben1/13/15 6:12 pm
           OK, let's clarify the definition of photorealism.Quirel1/16/15 5:55 am
                 Re: OK, let's clarify the definition of photorealithebruce01/16/15 10:39 am
                       Re: OK, let's clarify the definition of photorealiQuirel1/17/15 5:14 am
                             Re: OK, let's clarify the definition of photorealithebruce01/19/15 10:29 am
                                   Re: OK, let's clarify the definition of photorealithebruce01/19/15 10:39 am
                 Re: OK, let's clarify the definition of photorealiCody Miller1/16/15 9:08 pm
                       Re: OK, let's clarify the definition of photorealiQuirel1/17/15 5:39 am
                 Re: OK, let's clarify the definition of photorealiRagashingo1/17/15 10:24 pm
                       Re: OK, let's clarify the definition of photorealiQuirel1/20/15 6:36 am
     Re: 343 Industries needs to watch this videoSEspider1/16/15 5:03 pm

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