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Re: Sweet Jesus.
Date: 1/4/15 3:49 pm
In Response To: Sweet Jesus. (yakaman)

: I mean this honestly and sincerely: this is the best post I've read here in a
: long time. Fabulous.

There is much more to say, but it must wait for my review of Broken Circle.

: People often give Bungie a free pass on the muddle the story was through
: H1-H3, including the novels. Contradictory, tangential, ephemeral, and
: sometimes nonsensical. Also, entertaining.


I'm reluctant to agree with the "Free pass" part, because the people who accuse other people of giving Bungie a "Free pass" are the ones who like the direction 343i has taken. Bungie wasn't perfect, and they barely salvaged the mess they made with Halo 2's production woes. But they were miles ahead of where 343i is now.

: The Covenant as a whole is a myth. A non-starter. An impossibility. It is a
: hegemony that should have split along stratifications as soon as H3 ended.
: The Covenant "loyalists" or whatever they were in H4 need to be
: cast aside completely...they are an anachronism that needs to be left
: behind (haha!) in order to present a more nuanced (and realistic)
: depiction of what the Covenant is (or was): a loosely bound collection of
: 6+ species with entirely different values and goals.

I surmise that species divisions might not be as strong as others, and multi-species organizations would be the norm after the fall of the Covenant.

: This mean complexity. Real, hard complex interactions and messy motivations.
: Tough to do, requiring a huge amount of exposition AND consumer
: patience/commitment. The obvious model would be Martin's Game of Thrones
: universe.

: I ask you, would the Halo universe, post-Convenent collapse, be any less
: Machiavellian?

What are you asking me for? I never read those books! I got ten pages into the first one and fell asleep.

: OK, ok. Acknowledged.


: This is a video game we are talking about. Alright. But
: what about the novels? About the general narratives of the game?

A stable of competent writers could do a whole lot better, yes. But not someone who was hired out of Marvel's wastepaper basket.

That said, I think the topic of what narratives a game could accomplish has to wait for later. It's a big subject, and I only have so little time this weekend.

Messages In This Thread

Halo 5 Rocket Launcher.gamerguy200212/27/14 12:24 am
     Re: Halo 5 Rocket Launcher.Grizzlei12/27/14 12:43 am
           Re: Halo 5 Rocket Launcher.gamerguy200212/27/14 1:01 am
                 Re: Halo 5 Rocket Launcher.breitzen12/27/14 1:31 am
                       Re: Halo 5 Rocket Launcher.Cody Miller12/27/14 12:02 pm
                             Re: Halo 5 Rocket Launcher.RC Master12/27/14 10:43 pm
                 Re: Halo 5 Rocket Launcher.Grizzlei12/27/14 1:37 am
                       Re: Halo 5 Rocket Launcher.gamerguy200212/27/14 2:14 am
                       Re: Halo 5 Rocket Launcher.Quirel12/27/14 3:55 am
                       Re: Halo 5 Rocket Launcher.SEspider12/27/14 9:12 pm
     That thing is uglyThe BS Police12/27/14 1:26 am
           Re: That thing is uglygamerguy200212/27/14 1:50 am
           Re: That thing is uglyCody Miller12/27/14 12:03 pm
     ADS: HOLD LIKE THATuberfoop12/27/14 2:14 am
     Re: Halo 5 Rocket Launcher.Quirel12/27/14 3:08 am
           Re: Nope.Hyokin12/27/14 11:54 am
                 Re: Never.Hyokin12/27/14 11:54 am
                       Re: Not even once.Hyokin12/27/14 11:56 am
                             Re: Never Ever EverSEspider12/27/14 9:19 pm
     Re: Halo 5 Rocket Launcher.TDSpiral12/27/14 5:08 am
     Re: Deja VuHyokin12/27/14 11:53 am
           Re: Deja Vuserpx12/27/14 12:15 pm
                 Re: Deja Vup bro12/27/14 12:55 pm
                 Re: Deja VuQuirel12/27/14 1:02 pm
                 Re: Deja Vugamerguy200212/27/14 2:00 pm
                       Re: Deja VuQuirel12/27/14 3:24 pm
                             Re: Deja Vugamerguy200212/27/14 3:48 pm
     Alright, let's tally votes:Quirel12/27/14 1:23 pm
           Re: Alright, let's tally votes:Hyokin12/27/14 3:03 pm
                 Ditto *NM*SEspider12/27/14 9:24 pm
           Re: Alright, let's tally votes:NartFOpc12/27/14 4:07 pm
           Re: Alright, let's tally votes:serpx12/27/14 5:21 pm
           Re: Alright, let's tally votes:ArteenEsben12/27/14 6:18 pm
           I'm VERY confused about something.SEspider12/27/14 10:01 pm
     343 plsAzo 'Galvat12/27/14 4:49 pm
     Dear BungieCINCL12/27/14 8:23 pm
           Best post ever *NM*Dervish12/28/14 9:17 am
           Two thoughts.Quirel12/28/14 1:08 pm
                 Re: Two thoughts.CINCL12/28/14 2:53 pm
     TEMBER!!!!SEspider12/27/14 9:07 pm
           Sep?Quirel12/28/14 1:10 pm
     Re: Halo 5 Rocket Launcher.RC Master12/27/14 10:32 pm
     But... why?Gravemind12/28/14 1:56 am
           Re: But... why?serpx12/28/14 3:05 am
                 Re: But... why?Quirel12/28/14 3:43 am
                 Re: But... why?NartFOpc12/28/14 10:02 am
                       Re: But... why?Cody Miller12/28/14 10:07 am
                             Re: But... why?gamerguy200212/28/14 10:59 am
                                   Re: But... why?Metalingus62712/28/14 11:34 am
                                         Re: But... why?Grizzlei12/28/14 4:54 pm
                                         Re: But... why?gamerguy200212/29/14 1:20 am
                             Re: But... why?The BS Police12/28/14 12:03 pm
                                   Re: But... why?Cody Miller12/28/14 12:05 pm
                                         Re: Here is how I see it... *img*Hyokin12/28/14 2:59 pm
                                               Re: Here is how I see it... *img*Vincent12/28/14 3:03 pm
                                                     Well...Nikko B20112/28/14 4:30 pm
                                                           Re: Well...Grizzlei12/28/14 5:19 pm
                                                                 Re: Well...Quirel12/28/14 6:13 pm
                                                                       Re: Well...Grizzlei12/29/14 1:40 am
                                                                             Re: Well...Quirel12/29/14 4:31 am
                                                                                   Adaptabilityrhubarb12/29/14 4:29 pm
                                                                                         Re: AdaptabilityQuirel12/30/14 4:17 pm
                                                                 Re: Well...Stephen L. (SoundEffect)12/29/14 10:50 am
                                                                       Re: This! *NM*Hyokin12/29/14 3:48 pm
                                                                       Re: Well...Archilen12/30/14 6:14 am
                                                                             Re: Well...Hyokin12/30/14 11:26 am
                                                                                   Re: Well...Archilen12/30/14 11:44 am
                                                                 Re: Well...General Vagueness1/2/15 2:01 pm
                                                                 Re: Well...scarab1/3/15 5:45 am
                                               Re: Here is how I see it... *img*Grizzlei12/28/14 5:06 pm
                                                     Re: Here is how I see it... *img*Quirel12/29/14 3:53 am
                                                           Re: Here is how I see it... *img*Archilen12/30/14 6:07 am
                                                                 Re: Here is how I see it... *img*MacGyver1012/30/14 10:32 am
                                                                       Re: Here is how I see it... *img*Archilen12/30/14 11:30 am
                                                                 Re: Here is how I see it... *img*Quirel1/2/15 4:06 am
                                                                       Sweet Jesus.yakaman1/4/15 12:01 am
                                                                             Re: Sweet Jesus.Quirel1/4/15 3:49 pm
                                               Compared to Halo, Star Wars had better visuals....robofin11712/30/14 4:56 pm
                 Re: But... why?ArteenEsben12/29/14 11:25 am
                 Re: But... why?Gravemind12/29/14 2:04 pm
                       Re: Storm Rifle vs. CarbineHyokin12/29/14 3:51 pm
                             Re: Storm Rifle vs. CarbineAzo 'Galvat12/29/14 5:21 pm
                                   Re: Storm Rifle vs. CarbineQuirel1/2/15 3:14 am
                                         Re: Storm Rifle vs. CarbineHyokin1/2/15 4:31 pm
                             Re: Storm Rifle vs. CarbineGravemind12/29/14 8:33 pm
                                   Re: Storm Rifle vs. CarbineMacGyver1012/30/14 10:34 am
                                         Re: Storm Rifle vs. CarbineHyokin12/30/14 11:19 am
                                               Re: Storm Rifle vs. CarbineMacGyver1012/30/14 11:24 am
                       Re: But... why?Quirel12/31/14 4:53 am
     Why the heck do you blame the "pro team" for this?FugitiveSoldier12/29/14 9:58 am
           Re: Why the heck do you blame the "pro team" for tserpx12/29/14 11:40 am
                 Re: Why the heck do you blame the "pro team" for tgamerguy200212/29/14 1:04 pm
                       Re: Why the heck do you blame the "pro team" for tFugitiveSoldier12/29/14 1:18 pm
                       Yes I havebreitzen12/29/14 1:30 pm
     What the fuck *NM*General Vagueness12/30/14 3:09 pm

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