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Re: Eh...
Date: 12/1/14 2:01 pm
In Response To: Re: Eh... (Hyokin)

: (Why haven't the
: Covenant utilized Lekgolo worms like this before? They look a lot more
: efficient in combat than the normal Mgalekgolo we usually fight.)

Part of me wants to say that it's a question which will be answered in upcoming chapters, and that people are jumping all over criticisms before the story's even done... but then, it probably also says something about the writing that it's a very common sentiment - being led to complain or criticize elements of the fiction before the story's end, rather than naturally feeling that it's a mystery that will be solved. A 'jumping the shark' type plot content, perhaps? Something so out of the ordinary that it doesn't seem to "fit" at all, as opposed to something feasibly based on something believable within the canon, and how it's written in to the plotline itself.

I asked the same questions, but perhaps my 'standard' line is a little more lax. I still expect that the things we know are 'new' to canon will have an explanation - even the things that seems unfeasible or ridiculous. For me, it says "oh they're going somewhere with this" before it says "what are the writers thinking?!". I just hope it doesn't get to the latter for me :)

Messages In This Thread

Is anyone else eyerolling through nightfall?funkmon12/1/14 12:41 am
     Re: Is anyone else eyerolling through nightfall?Douglas12/1/14 1:43 am
     I haven't watched it myself but...Nikko B20112/1/14 5:31 am
           Re: I haven't watched it myself but...avatarofchaos12/1/14 3:39 pm
                 Re: I haven't watched it myself but...Nikko B20112/1/14 6:35 pm
                       Re: I haven't watched it myself but...avatarofchaos12/2/14 7:09 pm
                             So what you're saying is...Nikko B20112/2/14 7:54 pm
     Re: Is anyone else eyerolling through nightfall?Stephen L. (SoundEffect)12/1/14 7:29 am
           Re: Is anyone else eyerolling through nightfall?scarab12/1/14 8:40 am
     Re: Eh...Hyokin12/1/14 1:05 pm
           Re: Eh...thebruce012/1/14 2:01 pm
                 Re: Eh...Quirel12/1/14 3:25 pm
                       Re: Eh...thebruce012/1/14 6:25 pm
           Re: Eh...SEspider12/1/14 6:18 pm
           FUD vs NightfallDervish12/1/14 9:59 pm
     I can't get into it.serpx12/1/14 4:17 pm
     ONI Seriously Needs New Recruiting Methodszofinda12/3/14 7:40 pm
           Re: ONI Seriously Needs New Recruiting MethodsGrizzlei12/3/14 7:47 pm
           Re: ONI Seriously Needs New Recruiting Methodsuberfoop12/3/14 9:11 pm
           Re: ONI Seriously Needs New Recruiting MethodsPostmortem12/4/14 6:27 pm
                 Re: ONI Seriously Needs New Recruiting MethodsHyokin12/4/14 7:34 pm
                 Re: ONI Seriously Needs New Recruiting MethodsGrizzlei12/4/14 8:03 pm
                 Re: But extreme circumstances 'n stuff *NM*thebruce012/5/14 9:33 am
           It makes sense to me.Quirel12/5/14 4:02 am

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