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Re: My current thoughts on MCC
Date: 11/23/14 3:21 am
In Response To: Re: My current thoughts on MCC (Avateur)

: For elaboration purposes only, it's not about smooth as butter. It's been
: thoroughly acknowledged on here by everyone but Gravemind that matchmaking
: times have improved. Good luck doing it with a party. Good luck backing
: out with your party. Good luck moving onto the next game without having to
: restart the game or Xbox One entirely. The list goes on. Matchmaking and
: customs as a whole are still practically unplayable with a party beyond a
: few games. You spend more time trying to get into a lobby than actually
: searching now. And even if you get into the lobby, there's no guarantee
: your search will work with 3+ people on your team.

Weird, that hasn't been my experience at all post-patch. Speaking of, I've noticed today that if the majority of people stick together after a game ends, the matchmaking time is reduced even further to like 30 seconds, though I guess that makes sense if it's only finding two or three additional people.

Anyway, not saying that what you mentioned isn't true. I guess mileage varies. Hopefully the next patch will address that stuff.

Messages In This Thread

My current thoughts on MCCtadboz11/22/14 3:18 pm
     Re: My current thoughts on MCCCARDO 8 ATL11/22/14 5:10 pm
     Re: My current thoughts on MCCAvateur11/22/14 7:43 pm
           Re: My current thoughts on MCCtadboz11/23/14 3:21 am
                 Re: My current thoughts on MCCserpx11/23/14 2:18 pm

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