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Re: My current thoughts on MCC
Date: 11/22/14 7:43 pm
In Response To: My current thoughts on MCC (tadboz)

: Hey, all. So, after about a week and half, I've come to a few conclusions
: about this collection, namely: --The campaign rocks and is more or less
: solid. I know people have had some glitches with it, but it seems to be
: the least likely part to spaz out. Feels good, man.

: --Customization being restricted to armor sets doesn't bother me in the end.
: My knee-jerk was to cry foul, but then I thought about how cluttered a UI
: would have to be to accommodate all those armor pieces. I wouldn't mind
: them adding it in later, but I can understand 343i's initial reluctance.

: --Multiplayer. We all hated how it wasn't up to snuff. For the first week, I
: was waiting 15+ minutes for a match, if I even got one. But things have
: gotten better, whether you consider it "enough" or not. On
: Thursday, my wait time dropped down to 5-10 minutes. Yesterday, I was
: waiting no more than 2 minutes between games. For me, that's "good
: enough." During the Halo 3 days, it usually took longer than that.
: So, I'm happy. The whole collection is functional, for me at least. I know
: some of you won't be happy until it's 100% smooth and buttery--and I agree
: that this never should have happened in the first place. That said, we've
: got the campaigns and matchmaking and they work, more often than not. Some
: said this day would never come. :P

For elaboration purposes only, it's not about smooth as butter. It's been thoroughly acknowledged on here by everyone but Gravemind that matchmaking times have improved. Good luck doing it with a party. Good luck backing out with your party. Good luck moving onto the next game without having to restart the game or Xbox One entirely. The list goes on. Matchmaking and customs as a whole are still practically unplayable with a party beyond a few games. You spend more time trying to get into a lobby than actually searching now. And even if you get into the lobby, there's no guarantee your search will work with 3+ people on your team.

Messages In This Thread

My current thoughts on MCCtadboz11/22/14 3:18 pm
     Re: My current thoughts on MCCCARDO 8 ATL11/22/14 5:10 pm
     Re: My current thoughts on MCCAvateur11/22/14 7:43 pm
           Re: My current thoughts on MCCtadboz11/23/14 3:21 am
                 Re: My current thoughts on MCCserpx11/23/14 2:18 pm

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