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Re: 343i has three weeks to fix the MCC.
Date: 11/21/14 7:12 pm
In Response To: Re: 343i has three weeks to fix the MCC. (SEspider)

Sorry but I have to agree with the masses on this one. I liked H4 and what 343 is trying to do, but to have a 99% broken multiplayer at start, then a patch that says it'll improve (not all) but a bunch of issues and only improve a small amount of those is pretty sloppy work IMO. As far as the wait time most games these days take 2-5 minutes to find a match. You shouldn't have to wait and wait, just to have to shut down the game and reload it to get it to work. Like I said, I'm a fan of 343 and all but it's becoming harder to have faith in their work.

Messages In This Thread

343i has three weeks to fix the MCC.Gravemind11/21/14 12:13 pm
     Re: 343i has three weeks to fix the MCC.gamerguy200211/21/14 12:24 pm
           Re: 343i has three weeks to fix the MCC.Gravemind11/21/14 12:40 pm
                 Re: 343i has three weeks to fix the MCC.MixMaker111/21/14 12:44 pm
                       Re: 343i has three weeks to fix the MCC.Gravemind11/21/14 1:42 pm
                 Re: 343i has three weeks to fix the MCC.gamerguy200211/21/14 1:29 pm
                       Re: 343i has three weeks to fix the MCC.uberfoop11/21/14 1:43 pm
                             Re: 343i has three weeks to fix the MCC.Avateur11/21/14 3:29 pm
                                   Oof.yakaman11/21/14 3:33 pm
                                         Re: Oof.Azo 'Galvat11/22/14 8:25 am
                       Re: 343i has three weeks to fix the MCC.Gravemind11/21/14 1:45 pm
     Re: 343i has three weeks to fix the MCC.Bosticman11/21/14 1:32 pm
     Re: 343i has three weeks to fix the MCC.SEspider11/21/14 3:44 pm
           Re: 343i has three weeks to fix the MCC.Schooly D11/21/14 4:07 pm
           Re: 343i has three weeks to fix the MCC.NartFOpc11/21/14 4:20 pm
                 Re: 343i has three weeks to fix the MCC.Azo 'Galvat11/22/14 8:20 am
           Re: 343i has three weeks to fix the MCC.uberfoop11/21/14 4:32 pm
                 Re: 343i has three weeks to fix the MCC.Mid7night11/21/14 8:42 pm
           Re: 343i has three weeks to fix the MCC.Crazedone198811/21/14 7:12 pm
           Re: 343i has three weeks to fix the MCC.Gravemind11/21/14 8:23 pm
                 Re: 343i has three weeks to fix the MCC.Avateur11/21/14 8:36 pm
                 Re: 343i has three weeks to fix the MCC.Moorpheusl911/22/14 5:01 am

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