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Re: Halo MCC - Day 1 Multiplayer Playlists announc
By:Joe Duplessie (SNIPE 316)
Date: 10/9/14 4:40 pm

: My frown face goes to an undedicated SWAT playlist. I feel like it is strong
: enough to have its own playlist, versus being in a "we'll see"
: rotational hopper. I hope its popularity proves itself, as it always does,
: to benefit from having that.

I would be shocked if there isn't a SWAT playlist soon.

: People like me don't have access to
: tens to hundreds of different XBL friends, and due to how everything on
: XBL is party chat (aka anti-social), it becomes harder and harder to make
: friends.

Dude, you're on HBO. Literally the best place on the internet to make friends. Just post your GT and I guarantee at least 10 friend requests. You could even show up for MM night tonight and talk to us in real time.

Messages In This Thread

Halo MCC - Day 1 Multiplayer Playlists announcedMoorpheusl910/9/14 12:15 pm
     Re: Halo MCC - Day 1 Multiplayer Playlists announcCARDO 8 ATL10/9/14 12:25 pm
           Re: Halo MCC - Day 1 Multiplayer Playlists announcMasterz133710/9/14 12:43 pm
                 Re: Halo MCC - Day 1 Multiplayer Playlists announcJironimo10/9/14 12:52 pm
                       Re: Halo MCC - Day 1 Multiplayer Playlists announcMasterz133710/9/14 1:03 pm
                       Re: Halo MCC - Day 1 Multiplayer Playlists announcserpx10/9/14 3:35 pm
                             Re: Halo MCC - Day 1 Multiplayer Playlists announcserpx10/9/14 3:41 pm
                                   Re: Halo MCC - Day 1 Multiplayer Playlists announcMasterz133710/9/14 3:59 pm
                             Re: Halo MCC - Day 1 Multiplayer Playlists announcJoe Duplessie (SNIPE 316)10/9/14 4:40 pm
           Re: Halo MCC - Day 1 Multiplayer Playlists announcBosticman10/9/14 12:55 pm
           Re: Halo MCC - Day 1 Multiplayer Playlists announczofinda10/9/14 10:43 pm
     Re: Halo MCC - Day 1 Multiplayer Playlists announcMelee10/10/14 12:45 pm

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