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Re: Stray things I've heard around ign and gaf
Date: 6/10/14 8:47 pm
In Response To: Re: Stray things I've heard around ign and gaf (Cody Miller)

: This is smart. Again, I commend 343 for trying to learn from their mistakes
: and make a better game. At the same time though, I think they need to be a
: little bit like Steve Jobs, and give folks something they didn't even know
: they wanted.

They did. I didn't know that I wanted or needed H3 and H4 again, but there they are. lol

Though for real, I think they tried to do that with killcams in H4, but that got blundered so it went to waste. That could have been really awesome if it had worked. Try again in H5? Or are you thinking of something truly groundbreaking somewhere?

Messages In This Thread

Stray things I've heard around ign and gafApollo6/10/14 4:00 am
     Hadn't thought about that...munky-0586/10/14 5:53 am
           Re: Hadn't thought about that...zofinda6/10/14 5:57 am
     About the soundtrackThe BS Police6/10/14 8:11 am
     Schooly D does it againSchooly D6/10/14 11:54 am
           Have my babies somehow *NM*Cody Miller6/10/14 12:19 pm
           Re: Schooly D does it againgamerguy20026/11/14 9:07 pm
     Re: Stray things I've heard around ign and gafCody Miller6/10/14 5:03 pm
           Re: Stray things I've heard around ign and gafAvateur6/10/14 8:47 pm
     Re: Stray things I've heard around ign and gafKalamari6/11/14 4:23 pm
           Re: Stray things I've heard around ign and gafzofinda6/11/14 6:26 pm
                 Re: Stray things I've heard around ign and gafAvateur6/11/14 8:29 pm
           Re: Stray things I've heard around ign and gafGeneral Vagueness6/13/14 5:32 pm

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