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Re: Check out waypoint for more info
Date: 6/9/14 5:51 pm
In Response To: Re: Check out waypoint for more info (thebruce0)

: Terminals a last minute decision for Halo 2 Anniversary? Or are you referring
: to H:CEA?
: I'd be highly surprised if terminal in H2A were last-minute decision...
: shocked, even. Really? I would hope (and by the looks of the trailer,
: expect) that terminals or terminal-like content will be added to H2A as a
: means to lead into Halo 5. It's the perfect opportunity to make Halo 2
: have more contextual meaning to Halo 5 and beyond. More chance to link
: together multiple product releases and stories.

: It actually almost felt like H2A would be from the perspective of Agent
: Locke, 'reliving' the Chief's history; implied by terminal-like cutscenes.
: Sort of like how ODST played the flashbacks, the original game content
: would be the flashbacks, while the terminal content is Locke's
: storyline... *shrug* maybe not, but it seems feasible. That, however,
: leaves Halo 3 (if completely untouched) not as relevant to Halo 5+ as H2A.
: On that note, what could be the possibility that they toss in some additional
: hidden/secret content in Halo 3? Or is it really going to be a direct raw
: port from 360 to XBO?

: Man... can't wait for this.

Although H3 is untouched, we know that each game has 1000 gamerpoints. I'd be surprised if they add a terminal or 2 to H3 as an achievement. It's our only prior in game connection with Mendicant Bias, who we assume will be a major player in H5, therefore I think they'll flesh him out a bit more.

Messages In This Thread

Check out waypoint for more infoRevenant19886/9/14 2:43 pm
     Re: Check out waypoint for more infoCody Miller6/9/14 2:52 pm
           Re: Check out waypoint for more infouberfoop6/9/14 2:57 pm
                 Re: Check out waypoint for more infoCody Miller6/9/14 3:06 pm
                       Re: Check out waypoint for more infoHyokin6/9/14 3:49 pm
                             Re: Check out waypoint for more infothebruce06/9/14 4:09 pm
                                   Re: Check out waypoint for more infozofinda6/9/14 5:51 pm
                                         Re: Check out waypoint for more infothebruce06/10/14 9:55 am
                                   Re: Check out waypoint for more infoGeneral Vagueness6/9/14 7:27 pm
                                         Re: Check out waypoint for more infothebruce06/10/14 9:59 am
                                               Re: Check out waypoint for more infoGeneral Vagueness6/10/14 4:43 pm
                                                     Re: Check out waypoint for more infothebruce06/11/14 9:51 am
                             Re: Check out waypoint for more infoKermit6/9/14 4:30 pm
                                   Re: Check out waypoint for more infoCody Miller6/9/14 4:37 pm
                                         Re: Check out waypoint for more infoKermit6/10/14 9:16 am
                             Re: Check out waypoint for more infoQuirel6/10/14 12:24 am
     Those screenshots look amazingKal6/9/14 3:01 pm

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