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Re: Check out waypoint for more info
Date: 6/9/14 3:49 pm
In Response To: Re: Check out waypoint for more info (Cody Miller)

: Blurays are 50GB dual layer.

: Assume a full DVD 9 for each game: 4 x 8.5 GB = 34GB.

: That leaves 16GB for movies, which @ 25Mbps means approximately 90 minutes of
: Bluray quality video. There are about 57 minutes of cutscenes in Halo 2,
: so if that is all prerendered that still leaves over 30 minutes for
: terminals.

I don't remember the source, but I recall someone from 343i saying that the Terminals were a last-minute decision and, while the physical objects were already in-game on the maps, there was no time to add the videos to it. Hence, the use of Halo Waypoint for them.

I think it was a bad way to do it, but better than not having Terminals at all. :P

Messages In This Thread

Check out waypoint for more infoRevenant19886/9/14 2:43 pm
     Re: Check out waypoint for more infoCody Miller6/9/14 2:52 pm
           Re: Check out waypoint for more infouberfoop6/9/14 2:57 pm
                 Re: Check out waypoint for more infoCody Miller6/9/14 3:06 pm
                       Re: Check out waypoint for more infoHyokin6/9/14 3:49 pm
                             Re: Check out waypoint for more infothebruce06/9/14 4:09 pm
                                   Re: Check out waypoint for more infozofinda6/9/14 5:51 pm
                                         Re: Check out waypoint for more infothebruce06/10/14 9:55 am
                                   Re: Check out waypoint for more infoGeneral Vagueness6/9/14 7:27 pm
                                         Re: Check out waypoint for more infothebruce06/10/14 9:59 am
                                               Re: Check out waypoint for more infoGeneral Vagueness6/10/14 4:43 pm
                                                     Re: Check out waypoint for more infothebruce06/11/14 9:51 am
                             Re: Check out waypoint for more infoKermit6/9/14 4:30 pm
                                   Re: Check out waypoint for more infoCody Miller6/9/14 4:37 pm
                                         Re: Check out waypoint for more infoKermit6/10/14 9:16 am
                             Re: Check out waypoint for more infoQuirel6/10/14 12:24 am
     Those screenshots look amazingKal6/9/14 3:01 pm

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