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Re: Ugh *SP*
Date: 5/31/14 11:00 pm
In Response To: Re: Ugh *SP* (gamerguy2002)

: Jesus and I thought I was nerdy about Halo, you guys take that and blow it
: into the sun with an orbital MAC cannon.

That's nothing...

: I have yet to tackle Escalation but seeing as the master chief arc begins the
: next issue now seems like a good time to go take a read. tell me where do
: you buy these issues digitally guys?

Dark Horse has an app for iOS platforms and I'd imagine they'd have them for Android and Windows Phone too.

Messages In This Thread

Escalation #6 out nowVincent5/28/14 4:47 am
     Ugh *SP*Grizzlei5/28/14 10:06 am
           Re: Ugh *SP*asa5/28/14 2:42 pm
                 Re: Ugh *SP*Stephen L. (SoundEffect)5/28/14 7:59 pm
                       Re: Ugh *SP*asa5/30/14 10:56 am
                       Re: Ugh *SP*Grizzlei5/30/14 5:43 pm
                             Re: Ugh *SP*gamerguy20025/31/14 10:45 pm
                                   Re: Ugh *SP*Grizzlei5/31/14 11:00 pm
                                         Re: Ugh *SP*gamerguy20025/31/14 11:22 pm
                                               Re: Ugh *SP*Grizzlei5/31/14 11:34 pm
                                                     Re: Ugh *SP*Vincent6/1/14 4:03 am
                                                     Re: Ugh *SP*General Vagueness6/2/14 1:16 pm
                                                     Re: Ugh *SP*GrimBrother One6/2/14 1:51 pm
                                                           Re: Ugh *SP*Grizzlei6/2/14 2:25 pm
                                                                 Re: Ugh *SP*Quirel6/2/14 8:15 pm
                                                                       Re: Ugh *SP*Louis Wu6/2/14 11:47 pm
                                                                             Re: Ugh *SP*GrimBrother One6/3/14 9:19 pm
     Yeesh *SP*TDSpiral5/28/14 11:43 am
           Re: Yeesh *SP*Urban Reflex5/28/14 6:57 pm
           Don't think so...davidfuchs5/28/14 7:51 pm
     Re: Escalation #6 out now *SP*Urban Reflex5/29/14 1:56 am

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