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Re: Episode 2 of our documentary is now live! *OT*
By:Cody Miller
Date: 1/10/14 5:05 pm

: In reality, it's more akin to a reality show, as these events are occurring
: live and being edited into a monthly video. There's less of a focus on
: "thesis" and more on "what's interesting that occurred this
: month".

But it wasn't interesting…

To be completely honest the goings ons of work, regardless of if you are pushing paper, cutting a film, or putting together a game, are generally not that interesting to other people. Indie Game the Movie had virtually no documentation of the actual work - everything was about how these guys felt making the game, WHY they wanted to make the game, and what was stoping them from making the game. So the movie isn't about making a game, it's about these 3 guys.

You might as well document some natural process. Outside of scientific circles, it's not entertaining for an audience.

I mean, even the piece that came with the Halo 2 special edition had some drama surrounding E3 and the rebuilding of the game.

I don't want to discourage you, but I think if you continue to make "what's interesting that occurred this month", then it's not really going to find an audience. Of course if you are doing it for yourself and not for an audience, then do whatever you want :-p

Messages In This Thread

Episode 2 of our documentary is now live! *OT*Postmortem1/8/14 9:17 pm
     Re: Episode 2 of our documentary is now live! *OT*Cody Miller1/8/14 10:03 pm
           Re: Episode 2 of our documentary is now live! *OT*Postmortem1/9/14 6:04 pm
                 Re: Episode 2 of our documentary is now live! *OT*Cody Miller1/10/14 5:05 pm
     My thoughts.Quirel1/10/14 5:29 pm

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