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Episode 2 of our documentary is now live! *OT*
Date: 1/8/14 9:17 pm

We took a lot of the feedback we received on the last video and tried to apply it to this one. With more interesting events occurring in the months of November and December, the next couple episodes should hopefully prove to be more interesting to watch. :)

Hope you enjoy.

As always, thoughts, feedback, constructive criticism is very welcome. I'm ready for ya Cody.

Messages In This Thread

Episode 2 of our documentary is now live! *OT*Postmortem1/8/14 9:17 pm
     Re: Episode 2 of our documentary is now live! *OT*Cody Miller1/8/14 10:03 pm
           Re: Episode 2 of our documentary is now live! *OT*Postmortem1/9/14 6:04 pm
                 Re: Episode 2 of our documentary is now live! *OT*Cody Miller1/10/14 5:05 pm
     My thoughts.Quirel1/10/14 5:29 pm

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