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Re: I'll speculate!
Date: 9/25/13 10:15 am
In Response To: I'll speculate! (Captain Spark)

: Maybe Joe is joining 343i to write another Halo TV show showcasing the most
: beloved character in the Halo universe!!!!! The show would be called
: "The Sarah Palmer Chronicles.

: Maybe Joe got tired of hearing the awful squeak-toy voices of the Grunts in
: Halo 4 so he is lending his voice for the Grunts in Halo 5 until he finds
: his new creative opportunity?

: Or finally, maybe 343 realized that they need serious help to clean up and
: repair the Halo universe so they hired Joe and fired their writing staff?

You know, as much as I'd love to see Joe at 343 (hah), I honestly don't know if he'd be the saviour of the Halo franchise. I think he'd bring back a lot of the style and love for the Halo storytelling, but I think his focus was more on video games (or single stories) than a large cohesive universe. The games weren't perfect remember. Bungie made mistakes, there were retcons, and they voiced their lack of interest in novels and extended fiction and whatnot, iirc...

Not that it's going to happen, but if Joe were back at 343, I would hope it's for getting back to the roots of what made Halo great, great story, and more teamwork with the people working on the larger universe, to make better self-contained video games that make sense within the grander Haloverse. Don't ignore the storyworld for the sake of a video game - but please still make an awesome video game!

Now realistically, wherever Joe goes, all the best to him :)

Messages In This Thread

Joe Staten has left BungieFyreWulff9/24/13 5:13 pm
     holycrap *NM*thebruce09/24/13 5:15 pm
     Re: Joe Staten has left Bungiejay mee9/24/13 5:27 pm
     Ok, I'll ask it...MacGyver109/24/13 5:31 pm
           Re: Ok, I'll ask it...jay mee9/24/13 5:38 pm
           Re: Ok, I'll ask it...Xenos9/24/13 6:05 pm
                 Re: Ok, I'll ask it...KP9/24/13 7:04 pm
           Staten made a tactical errordavidfuchs9/24/13 6:07 pm
           Re: Ok, I'll ask it...Kermit9/24/13 11:41 pm
           I'll bet money against it. *NM*Quirel9/24/13 11:46 pm
     Re: Joe Staten has left BungieTDSpiral9/24/13 6:14 pm
     *sheds a single manly tear* *NM*Azo 'Galvat9/24/13 7:15 pm
     Seems like a odd time to leave Bungie!Captain Spark9/24/13 8:15 pm
           Re: Seems like a odd time to leave Bungie!serpx9/25/13 12:17 am
     Holy whatZe Moose9/24/13 8:16 pm
     I'll speculate!Captain Spark9/24/13 9:02 pm
           Re: I'll speculate!Pkmnrulz2409/25/13 12:02 am
                 Re: I'll speculate!Captain Spark9/25/13 12:59 am
                       Re: I'll speculate!uberfoop9/25/13 1:08 am
           Re: I'll speculate!thebruce09/25/13 10:15 am
           Re: I'll speculate!General Vagueness10/2/13 8:54 pm
     Woah!!!!!!! *NM*robofin1179/24/13 9:27 pm
     Re: Joe Staten has left BungieThe Lionheart9/24/13 10:10 pm
     Re: Joe Staten has left BungieAvateur9/24/13 10:39 pm
     Re: Joe Staten has left BungieQuirel9/24/13 11:10 pm
           Or something in the movies *NM*scarab9/25/13 8:59 am
                 Or the Halo TV ShowCody Miller9/25/13 12:48 pm
                       Re: Or the Halo TV ShowLeviathan9/25/13 2:23 pm
                             I tend to agree with himscarab9/25/13 6:01 pm
                                   Nonononono...Leviathan9/25/13 7:07 pm
                                         Did we? I hadn't noticedscarab9/26/13 4:53 am
                       It's a miracle.....Captain Spark9/25/13 6:42 pm
                             Re: It's a miracle.....General Vagueness10/2/13 9:13 pm
                 Team him up with JJ Abrams.Quirel9/25/13 1:03 pm
     Re: Joe Staten has left Bungieserpx9/24/13 11:10 pm
     Devastating...Morpheus9/24/13 11:48 pm
           Re: Devastating...Leviathan9/25/13 12:28 am
                 Exactly;Forgot About Marcus... *NM*Morpheus9/25/13 1:16 am
                 Re: Devastating...TDSpiral9/25/13 3:40 am
                       Re: Devastating...Leviathan9/25/13 4:37 am
                             Re: Devastating...TDSpiral9/25/13 7:27 pm
                                   Re: Devastating...Leviathan9/25/13 9:07 pm
     Re: Joe Staten has left BungieSchooly D9/25/13 12:53 am
           4 more yearspadraig089/25/13 10:59 am
     Whats with all the grizzled ancients jumping ship?bryan newman9/25/13 5:06 am
           Oh and Mclees. *NM*bryan newman9/25/13 5:08 am
           Re: Whats with all the grizzled ancients jumping sLeviathan9/25/13 7:16 am
                 Re: Whats with all the grizzled ancients jumping sKermit9/25/13 9:27 am
                       Re: Whats with all the grizzled ancients jumping sThe Lionheart9/25/13 9:58 am
                             Re: Whats with all the grizzled ancients jumping sKermit9/25/13 11:09 am
                             There's alsokornman009/25/13 12:17 pm
                             Re: Whats with all the grizzled ancients jumping sCody Miller9/25/13 12:41 pm
                             I miss Sketchfactor!Leviathan9/25/13 2:15 pm
                                   Re: I miss Sketchfactor!Asian Inferno9/25/13 7:52 pm
           It's not uncommonpadraig089/25/13 10:03 am
           Grizzled Marcus?MacGyver109/25/13 11:11 am
                 Re: Grizzled Marcus?Kermit9/25/13 12:51 pm
                       Re: Grizzled Marcus?MacGyver109/25/13 1:50 pm
                             Re: Grizzled Marcus?Leviathan9/25/13 2:13 pm
                             Re: Grizzled Marcus?Kermit9/25/13 6:22 pm
           Re: Whats with all the grizzled ancients jumping sCody Miller9/25/13 11:14 am
                 Re: Whats with all the grizzled ancients jumping sscarab9/25/13 6:12 pm
     Re: Joe Staten has left BungieGeneral Vagueness10/2/13 8:52 pm

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